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“Yeah, Marc and a few other guys were there. We got a little carried away and the games ran on longer than expected. It was a great time though. It's been a while since I had a night out like that.”

I listen to his rambling while strolling through social media. There isn’t really anything interesting on my newsfeed this morning. Other than Marc. He's been meeting with Heiress and her crew, scouting cars, and bringing in more business. I knew how great of a businessman he was already, but it’s refreshing to see how well respected he is amongst his peers.

“How’s working with Marc been?”

My dad’s question snaps my attention away from my phone with an instant. Ever since Marc and I got into a heated argument about my dad finding out, I'm a lot more careful with what I say to him.

“So far so good,” I say. “It’s a much slower pace than my last few gigs, which I love. I love the staff and the team I get to work with there. Everything's good.”

“How about Kyle? No issues with him?”

“Not really,” I say. “I haven’t really seen him much. We got into a bit of a confrontation during a team meeting, but after that, he has kept his distance.”

I thought my dad was onto something. Thankfully he’s just being a dad and trying to keep up with my life. He hasn’t asked anything out of the ordinary about Marc and me, so I guess he’s still clueless. I feel so guilty for keeping him in the dark though.

“Well, that’s good.” He sets a plate down in front of me and then grabs one of his own to join me. “What are your plans for next weekend? I'm having a company party and I'd love for you to be there. You know, you can finally meet my new crew and everyone else we work with. It'll be fun.”

“I don’t have any plans. I would love to come and meet your work family. I feel like we don’t really talk about your company much anymore.”

The last time I attended one of my father’s work parties was in my teenage years. They were always fun, but I grew out of it because I wanted to go to my parties instead. Now that I'm an adult and have outgrown my party going days, company parties are a lot more fun.

My first deposit from Marc comes through while Dad and I are finishing off our breakfast. Wow! It's been a while since I've seen a figure so large in my account. I think the last time I brought home a paycheck worth five thousand dollars was when I did a three summer work tour overseas.

After breakfast, I decided to take myself out for some retail therapy. Not that I need any therapy, but it’s been a long time since I've been able to treat myself to something nice.

Being with Sean sucked my accounts dry. I could have asked my father for money, but that never made sense to me. I wanted to take care of myself with the help of my fiancé, not live off my dad’s money.

It feels great to be able to walk into any store I want and buy whatever it is I please. Soon, I'll be on my way to finding my own home or a nice luxury apartment, and possibly even starting my own business.

That's a goal for me. I'd love to have my own business once my contract is up with Marc. Though I'm not sure he’ll want my contract to be up. I wonder what’s in store for us, will our love affair continue? Will he ever want more from me? Will my dad find out before he’s ready to break the ice?

So much comes to mind while I'm shopping. I try to stay, enjoy the moment and indulge in something I so desperately love to do, but all these thoughts about Marc are swallowing me up. Much like the way he swallowed me up on my desk.

My goodness, his tongue felt amazing. It was like nothing I've ever felt before. The way it slithered all over my clit and the way his lips kissed my pretty little lips, as he called them, I will never forget the sensation.

I'm getting hot just thinking about him now. I would love to call him for another round of hot sex, but he’s out of town on a business trip and won’t be back for a few days. Maybe I'll watch some porn while he’s away so I can brush up on my moves. Sometimes, I feel like I'm not experienced enough for him.

I know he loves pleasing me and he loves the way I please him, but is it enough? I haven’t been with many guys in my life, especially not guys as old as Marc is. I fooled around with a couple of guys in college before I got with Sean, and our sex life wasn’t nearly as great as mine and Marc’s. Every time we have sex, he shows me something new or makes me feel a way I've never felt before.

It's a little scary because I fear I might fall in love with the way he makes me feel sexually, but I don't want to give him up. Not now. Not ever, if I'm being honest.

“Speak of the devil,” I answered his call with the biggest smile on my face. “I was just thinking about you.”

“Oh yeah?” he chuckles. “Are you thinking about all the good sex we have? How spontaneous and thrilling it is? Because I was just thinking about you too. I'm even turned on right now thinking about it.”

My cheeks are so hot from blushing right now I try to hide them as I cruise the isles of Nordstroms. He's so raw, but still charming. I wonder how he does it? Years of practice? Or does it come as natural as his good looks?

“I was, actually,” I admit. “You did something new the other night that has me hot right now just thinking about it.”

“Stay hot until I get back, and I'll do a lot more than that, sweetheart.”

He's supposed to be focused on business and I'm supposed to be focused on shopping, yet somehow, we end up on the phone having phone sex in the middle of both. I can’t believe how comfortable he makes me. Doing things as spontaneous as this has never been a thing for me, I've always been closeted with my sex life. But with Marc, I feel so free.

“I can’t wait to feel you inside of me,” I say, moaning just loud enough for him to hear. “The way you fill me up is making me wet right now.”

“You like that, huh?” he joins in. “You like the way I fill you up, smacking your ass, and pulling your hair until you scream my name?”

“Mm, yes. I love it all. I want you so fucking bad right now, I can feel you inside me.”

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