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“Today isn’t about me,” I say. “I need to see how my team thinks. I already know how I think, so knowing how my team thinks is essential to moving forward. If we’re not all up to par, someone has to go.”

He and I stare at each other briefly before I turn my attention back to the people who actually matter here. A few of them are trying to hide the smirks on their faces, while Kyle is obviously angered by my reply.

“Now, if we can get back to schedule,” I say. “All of these ideas are good ideas. Some are better than others. But we need to keep the commercial hip and spicy. It helps if you can keep a picture of Heiress in mind because I want her to be the face of the commercial. She's the owner, she’s gorgeous, and who buys the most luxury cars? Men! They will love her.”

They're all nodding their heads in agreement. All except Kyle, who’s sitting at the rear of the conference table with angry eyes on me. I've dealt with jealousy from guys like him in the workplace. Shit, I almost married a guy exactly like him. I think I can roll with the punches pretty well.

“I think that’s a great idea,” Anna, my number one lead, says. “Heiress is very beautiful, and men are such dogs they’d love nothing more than to see her standing next to a car just as beautiful.”

“Men are dogs?” Braxton, my second in command, laughs. “So, we’re going with the sex-sells approach? Not that I have anything against it, I just think it’s kind of played out. Why don’t we actually give her a role with more substance? I mean, she is the boss of a major corporation. Why dumb it down to sex?”

I love the way Braxton words his disapproval. He also has a point. Selling sex seems to be the easy way out. Heiress has taken over one of the biggest corporations in luxury cars, we want her to be seen as strong and powerful, just like the cars she sells; just like her father was.

“I like your idea, Braxton,” I say. “I think you’re right. We want to keep her in a strong light; I totally agree. So, back to the drawing board guys. In a few days we’ll meet here again to present what we’ve come up with.”

Lunchtime rolls around and after a good debate and idea cast, I'm starving. I make my way toward the elevator for the break room and head down. Like before, I'm the last one to get there. I was too busy gawking over my flowers and teddy bear from Marc this morning.

“Mind if I sit?” I look up and see Anna standing over an empty spot at my table.

“Sure. Not at all,” I smile.

She takes a seat wearing a bright smile, eager to sit with me. From experience, anytime someone is eager to get close to you in the workplace, it usually means they have some kind of gossip they want to share. I can’t imagine what gossip Anna would have for me being that we just met. But, I'm always here for a little spice.

“I saw the flowers on your desk,” she grins. “Were they from Marc?”

I give her a curious look, not sure if I should say who they’re from. As I said, I don’t kiss and tell.

“Oh, come on,” she teases. “You can tell me. I won't say anything. The other girls and I already see how he looks at you whenever he comes on the floor. He never comes up here as much as he has since you've been here.”

“Marc is a very kind man,” I smile. “He just wants to make sure I'm being treated well and making friends here. That's all,” I lie.

“Right,” she teases again. “Marc is the sexiest man alive. We all know it. We all tried to seduce him a time or two, but he never paid us any attention. Well, unless it’s work related.”

I feel good that he hasn’t. It lets me know that not only is he a high value man, but he also has standards. Not that there’s anything wrong with any of these girls, but men with money are usually prone to sleep around a lot. It's good to know Marc isn’t like that.

Anna and I finish out the rest of lunch talking about Marc, how good looking he is, how great of a businessman he is. The more she tells me about her experience working for him, the more turned on I am by him. I've known him a hell of a lot longer than she has, but it’s been in a completely different setting. I feel like I’m just getting to know him all over again.

By the end of the day, I'm ready to get home and rest my eyes. I’ve been looking at my computer screen for hours on end, but I can’t let the evening fizzle out without calling Marc to tell him that Anna is on to us.

“Hey, Felicia.” I can hear the smile in his voice. “How’s it going?”

“It’s going,” I laugh lightly. “I had a very interesting day today. I just wanted to share it with you before going home for the evening.”

First, I tell him about Kyle trying to come onto me and then getting upset when I turned him down. He doesn’t sound surprised by it at all and says he’ll have a talk with him, but I tell him not to worry. I can handle Kyle.

“Anna,” I say with emphasis, “thinks you have a crush on me. She says you don’t come up to visit the floor as much as you do now that I'm here.”

“Oh,” Marc sounds concerned. “What else has she said about me?”

“Nothing bad,” I assure him. “She says they’ve all tried to lure you in, but you never bite the bait. I'm impressed.”

Marc goes silent for a moment. I'm wondering if I said something wrong or if I should have never called him with Anna’s gossip. I don’t see any harm in any of the things she said, but maybe I'm wrong.

“Felicia, you know we can’t tell anyone about us, right? I mean, I don't want there to be any drama around the office and I don’t want Jeppie to find out so soon, you know?”

“What’s the big deal?” I laugh. “We’re both adults. It's not like we’re running off to get married or anything.”

“I know,” he says. “I just like to keep my personal life out of the air, until it’s something I'm ready to share.”

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