Page 28 of One Hellish Desire

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“I'm so glad you're safe. I was so worried,” Daadi whispers, tears shining in her eyes.

I quickly brush them away, hating to see her cry. She pats me comfortingly and I drift back into fevered sleep.


Something cool and damp presses against my forehead. I open my eyes to find Daadi bathing my face with a wet cloth soaked in ice water to bring down my temperature. Guilt washes over me that she's having to tend to me at her age. I try to stop her, but she doesn't pause. I am feeling better than before at least. Regaining some strength, I attempt to sit up.

“You should eat something. I'll have Hariya send your meals,” Daadi says.

Meals? Is it lunchtime already? Checking the clock, I'm stunned to see it's already 1 pm - I slept through the entire night and morning! Unbelievable. I want to talk to Daadi, but have no energy left. She feeds me some soup and dal khichdi, after which I start feeling revived.

“Who brought me home? Shyam?” I murmur.

“Vikram,” she replies with a smile.

A shiver runs through me as Daadi narrates how Vikram offered to bring me home from the boutique.

“You were lying unconscious there. If Vikram hadn’t reached on time, your condition could be worse,” she adds.

As much as I detest Prince Pompous and his greed, I'll have to thank him for this. He's a good man, underneath it all. I quickly dismiss any further uncharitable thoughts toward him.

Despite Daadi's protests, I insist on showering that evening, the fever having broken and fluids revitalizing me. Quickly bathing, I emerge wrapped in just a white robe, only to jump back in shock seeing Vikram sitting patiently on my bed.

“What the hell!” I shout.

His eyes snap to me, gaze darkening dangerously.

“You can't just barge into a woman's bedroom,” I scold him.

“You took a bath?” he asks, surprised, as he rises from the bed.

Vikram’s eyes linger over my body from head to toe. I don't reply, just clutch the robe tighter.

“No need to be uncomfortable. I've seen women in much less,” he remarks crudely.

“I don't doubt that,” I snap, though my discomfort fades. I'm still more dressed than his usual counterparts, I'm sure.

“These are your medicines. Take them and get well soon - we have a lot to do together,” he says meaningfully, eyes boring into mine.

A lot to do together? Like what? He strides for the door, but pauses again to study me. Even from across the room, I feel scorched by his heated gaze.

“Let me know when you're dressed. As I said, we need to talk,” he reminds again.

“If it's about Devki Estate, I'm already disinterested.”

He straightens, then stalks back toward me. Oh no, I shouldn't have tried stopping him. I freeze as he looms over my petite form.

“Don't waste your energy arguing with me, Cub. Save'll need it soon,” he says, tone sending a shiver down my spine.

I don't know what depraved schemes he's plotting, but I can tell it's going to devastate me. God, I hope not. And then he's gone.


It takes me two days to fully recover. I don't go to the boutique, but my staff is handling things in my absence as I work from home. Prince Pompous is around too, though he hasn't mentioned Devki Estate again - I suspect he's waiting for me to regain my strength first. I'm downstairs on the couch watching a drama when he plops onto the adjacent one. Not looking at him, I hear him demand, “Change the channel. Put on the news.”

“Buzz off,” I retort.

His brows shoot up, but I don't care. Vikram tries snatching the remote, but I slide it out of reach.

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