Page 27 of One Hellish Desire

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“Vikram.” He leans closer. “Be her better half, and the estate becomes yours.”

My heart nearly explodes. Her better half? Me? Maahi’s husband? This is worse!


Ratna Mahal – Night

When I return home after discussing Devki Estate with Roy, I head straight to my room for a video conference call I can't miss. It's with the client whose joint business venture involving the estate will be decided. Dad warned me to deliver positive results, but I still don't have them. I'll handle it though. Locking myself in, I finish the call.

It's raining heavily when I come back downstairs. Daadi is pacing the living room, looking worried.

“All okay? Can't sleep?” I ask, approaching her.

“How can I sleep when she's still out there?”

“You mean Maahi is still not home yet?”

“It's pouring, and she's stuck at her boutique with no power - even the generators aren't working. Maahi is alone there, and her phone isn't reachable. I just hope she's alright.”

I fish my car keys from my pocket, confirming they're there. “I'll go get her.”

“Vikram, wait. I already informed Shyam. He lives close to her boutique. He said once the rain slows, he'll go pick her up.”

‘Slows down?’ I scoff. “I don't want to take that chance, Daadi. She's terrified of the dark. If she's alone there, she won't be able to spend the night. I'll go get her. Don't worry, my phone is charged - I'll call you once I reach her.”

Daadi watches me proudly, but I don't wait for her praise. Getting Maahi home safely is my only priority right now.

I drive recklessly down the dark, rain-slicked roads, the downpour obscuring my vision. But I don't dare slow down, praying Maahi is okay. I know how afraid of the dark she is. One of my friend's sisters played a cruel trick on her as kids, locking Maahi in a dark room for an hour until we found her passed out. She was sick with fever for two days, Daadi barely slept. I can't let history repeat itself. I stomp the accelerator.

The boutique door is shut, no one around, not even security guards. I bang on it, calling “Maahi” repeatedly. Through the glass walls, I can see it's pitch black inside; I'm sure she's curled up somewhere, terrified. Lightning cracks, the thunderous boom making even me flinch. God, what must this storm be doing to Maahi? That's it - I decide to break in. I’d seen this place has a back door, which is thankfully just jammed, not locked. I throw my weight against it, slamming with my shoulders and arms until it finally gives.

“Maahi!” I shout again, praying for a response. But there's dead silence, that eerie darkness surrounding me too. I stumble into a desk, knee screaming in pain - dammit, I need to be more careful. I don't want us both trapped inside. Using my phone's flashlight, I start looking for her. She's nowhere on the ground floor. Recalling her office is upstairs, I climb, pushing the door open.

“Maahi?” I call out again. Still nothing. I sweep the room until finally spotting her unconscious form under her desk.

Rushing over, I drag her out.

“Maahi, open your eyes,” I shout, patting her burning cheeks. She's passed out from fear, body raging with fever. Tucking my phone away, I scoop her into my arms and carry her out.


I'm driving back to Ratna Mahal now, Maahi tucked into the passenger seat, her head lolled against my shoulder. I call Daadi to let her know, asking her to summon a doctor right away. I can't help wondering what might have happened if I wasn't here to get her today. Would her idiot so called fiancé have even tried to find her? Where the hell was he? It didn't seem to matter to him at all. One thing's for sure - Shyam Trivedi doesn't deserve my Cub. My Cub?

Quickly shutting down that traitorous train of thought, I focus on just getting us home safely.


My head feels heavy as I toss and turn, body utterly drained of energy, unable to even open my eyes. Didn't I eat well last night? Though still half-asleep, I try recalling why I skipped dinner. I was working late at the boutique when it started pouring, and all my staff had already gone home. The generators failed, leaving me in total darkness. With my phone battery dying, I managed to call Daadi before it cut out, informing her of the situation. She promised to send Shyam to help. Meanwhile, I decided to wait outside for him, but I was too scared to make my way down the dark stairs alone. I hid trembling under my desk, praying Shyam would arrive soon. I don't remember when I finally passed out.

My eyes fly open and I jerk upright, relieved to find myself not at the boutique, but home in my own bed. Still, my body is burning up. Trying to lie back down, a voice stops me.

“Maahi, don't get up.”

Daadi enters my room, and I ache to hug her. “Daadi...” I attempt to rise again, but she holds me down.

“Lie still. You have a fever,” she soothes, caressing my face and kissing my forehead.

Fever? That explains the scorching heat.

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