Page 162 of One Hellish Desire

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Maahi returns with coffee in ten minutes, and I mouth a sorry as I continue my call. It's not until 3:00 AM that I finally finish and head to our bedroom. To my surprise, Maahi is asleep, cuddling my pillow. I freshen up and slide inside the covers, gently replacing the pillow with myself. She immediately cradles me, her head on my chest. What more could I need for a peaceful sleep? It's been weeks since we shared a bed. I turn off the lamps, kiss her hair, and close my eyes. At last, it truly feels like I'm home.



I wake up in Vikram's arms. It's been weeks since we've slept together, and he's still in a deep slumber. I don't know when he came to bed last night, and I wish I could have stayed awake to welcome him. Gently, I brush my fingers through his hair and peck his lips before starting my day.

After my shower, Vikram's still asleep, so I head downstairs to make breakfast and postpone a few meetings with the new designers to afternoon and decide to spend the morning time with Vikram as I am aware, he might wake up late. When I return around 10:00, he's just out of the shower, shirtless. My eyes linger on his body before meeting his gaze in the mirror.

“Slept well?” I ask, moving to the wardrobe to help him dress.

“I did,” he replies, hugging me from behind. “Best sleep in the last few weeks.”

“Same here,” I murmur, selecting an olive-green T-shirt and grey pants for him.

“I like it when you pick clothes for me. Mom used to do that when I was young.”

His expression saddens at the thought of her and he returns to the couch.

“Your mom called me yesterday,” I say softly. Vikram's face immediately clouds with concern.

“Is she okay? Why did she call you instead of me?” he asks, his voice tight with worry.

I sigh, choosing my words carefully. “She needed an outlet for her frustration, and who better than the person she sees as the cause of her problems?”

He gently pulls me to sit beside him, his grip on my arm betraying his anxiety. “Did she threaten you? I know Mom can be a bit...”

“She... she cursed me, saying I'd never be happy for taking her son away,” I admit reluctantly.

“Shit,” Vikram groans, running a hand through his hair.

“Vikram, she's not entirely wrong,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “I'm not upset about the curse, but I'm worried because she was drunk and awake at that hour.”

I watch as his chest tightens at this information. “Mom's been drinking too frequently lately,” he sighs, disappointment evident in his voice.

My heart aches seeing him so distressed. I run my fingers through his damp hair, trying to offer some comfort. “You need to talk to her.”

“I want to,” he snaps, frustration coloring his tone. “But Mom's ignoring me completely. She won't pick up my calls or answer my messages. I've been trying to reach her ever since I came here, but...”

He leans back on the couch, looking more dejected than ever. “If we side with Daadi, my parents will be hurt. If we do what my parents want, Daadi will be left alone and neglected.”

As I watch him struggle with this impossible situation, an idea suddenly strikes me.

“We don't need to choose sides anymore,” I declare.

Vikram looks confused. “What if they choose each other?” I add, a complete idea forming in my mind. “Remember I told you we need to bridge the gap between your parents and Daadi? I think now is the time.”

“How?” He looks intrigued, and I can't wait to share my plan.

“Your mom loves you a lot, right?”

He nods.

“Great. And you told me she was always beside you whenever you fell sick.”

“That was when I was young, Maahi. Now... I hardly ever fall sick.”

“Which is great, and I hope you never do. But...” I smile. “What if we tell her you're feeling a bit under the weather? I'm sure she'd take the next flight and come here.”

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