Page 230 of One Hellish Passion

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Patel was sitting alone with some papers and envelopes in hand.

“Patel,” Ranveer muttered, reaching there, hoping to hear good news. “Tell me she is arrested.”

“No, Sir,” Patel replied. “In fact, we have a problem.”

“What problem?” he groaned.

“When my team got there, she was already dead.”


Maya almost jerked back in her seat. Dead?

“Her wrist was cut. She lost a lot of blood. From my experience, this is a murder made to look like a suicide,” Patel explained.

“Damn,” Ranveer snapped.

“We have checked her identity. She was a freelance reporter named Cindy Thomas,” Patel added, showing them Cindy’s photograph and a copy of her ID card.

Ranveer stiffened visibly. Cindy? Maya was equally disturbed. Cindy did all of this?

“We searched her house for other proofs, traced her phone records, and also her bank statements. She has been in touch constantly with Adira Bajaj for the past few months. We also matched her picture and biometrics with the woman who drove the car and hit Maya’s vehicle in the attempt to kill her. She is the same woman we were looking for. Cindy Thomas did all of it. Seems like Adira and Cindy plotted Maya’s accident. Adira being silly, didn’t see the severity of it and allowed Cindy to use her car, the same vehicle that was registered under Vivek Bajaj’s name, the one we found in the valley,” Patel explained.

Maya shivered, recalling that moment.

“Cindy Thomas was the prime culprit because she was behind the wheel that day to kill Maya, but Adira is equally part of this crime. We will have to arrest her soon,” Patel concluded.

Ranveer nodded. He wouldn’t mind if they arrested Adira right away. Currently, Adira was still in Paradise, but under heavy surveillance. Though his Daadi and Maya’s mother were in the same house, Adira wouldn’t be able to harm anyone because his heavily armed guards were already keeping a secret eye on Paradise, especially on Adira Bajaj.

“Cindy did all of this? Why would Cindy want to hurt me, Ranveer?” Maya asked.

“Cindy was Kunal’s Ex,” Ranveer stated. “How can we forget that angle? Since he broke up with her because of me, she wanted to destroy my life. And hence she tried to hurt you by joining hands with Adira,” he explained.

Maya nodded in agreement.

“Yes, Mr. Malhotra,” Patel interrupted. “But one more question pops up right now. If I am correct and this isn’t a suicide, then who killed Cindy and why?”

Ranveer was speechless. This matter was more complex than he thought.

“Adira is in Paradise. She didn’t step out, so we cannot suspect her. The phone call she made to Cindy this morning was just a normal conversation where she told Cindy to devise their agenda for hurting Maya again and this time to end her chapter once for all,” Patel informed.

Ranveer entwined his fingers with Maya’s over the table. He feared what would have happened if they had even tried to implement it. Maya placed her palm over his to assure him she was fine and nothing would ever happen to her again because the person who plotted this was now dead.

“Now all this is one part of the story. Cindy was involved in something else too. Check this,” Patel said, showing her bank statements. They had some huge deposits made recently.

“How can she have so much money in her accounts?” Ranveer snapped.

“Exactly. This is why we checked who made these deposits in Cindy’s accounts, and you will be shocked to know his name.”

Shock would be an understatement for the Malhotra couple now. They had been receiving a lot of it frequently these days.

“Dev Malik,” Patel informed.

“Dev Malik? Why would...” Ranveer paused. He recalled giving Patel Nitin’s contact and the information of the CD which Nitin could crack yesterday. Was this connected?

“Yes, Mr. Malhotra. It's all connected. Cindy was blackmailing Dev Malik because she had some evidence that could confirm Dev Malik had killed his wife. She would have placed cameras in Dev Malik’s Study when she used to meet her boyfriend Kunal Malik at his home. She was already a reporter. Fixing a spy camera without anyone’s notice wasn’t difficult for her. So, she probably had some proof against Dev Malik who, in turn, gave her money to shut her mouth and also return that proof to him. Now our concern is, did she really return the proofs to him or save a copy of it to blackmail him again? So, if Cindy was murdered and Dev Malik is already behind bars, it could be that he appointed someone to kill her and hence put an end to her blackmailing. We cannot skip that angle. This matter will be thoroughly investigated, and no loopholes will be left open.”

Ranveer froze. He just couldn’t wait for those proofs.

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