Page 199 of One Hellish Passion

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“When is Dev Malik going to be sentenced in court?” Daadi interrupted. “I cannot leave for Jaipur without hearing his punishment.”

Dhruv slowed down. He didn’t know how to react. Ranveer looked at him and gestured for him to relax. It was obvious for Dhruv to feel vulnerable when discussing his father and the deeds he did.

“Soon, Daadi,” Ranveer replied.

“Excuse me,” Dhruv got up. “I need to make a call.”

Ranveer knew he was lying. The call was just an excuse to walk away from this awkward situation for some time. As he left for the living room, Ranveer turned back to his grandmother.

“I would appreciate it if we don’t corner Dhruv again,” he stated.

“Why not? He is Dev Malik’s son,” Daadi argued.

“He is my mother’s son too. And he is not at fault, Daadi. I know you don’t like that family, but Dhruv should be an exception. He means something to me, and it hurts me if you hurt him,” Ranveer explained.

Maya was pleased that he voiced his concerns to his grandmother in a respectful manner. This was a noticeable change in her husband, who had previously either argued or declared his decisions to everyone.

“What do you expect me to do then? Treat him like my own grandchild? Sorry, Ranveer, but that is not possible,” Daadi retaliated.

“Just stop treating him as our enemy. That’s all I request of you,” he responded.

Daadi shrugged. “I will try.”

She got up and left for her room. Ranveer leaned back in his chair. Maya touched his arm and rubbed it.

“Don’t worry… she will come around,” Maya reassured him.

“When?” Ranveer snapped. “It’s been years now, and she is still pushing that boy away like he is responsible for all our problems.”

Maya swallowed, sensing Ranveer’s pain.

“He is not alone,” she replied. “We are there for him. And even Daadi will come around. I strongly feel that.”

Ranveer hoped so. He leaned in and kissed Maya’s temple. At least he had someone to share his heart with.



Maya received a warm welcome at work, with her marriage to Ranveer Malhotra being the talk of the office. She couldn’t help but blush every time her colleagues complimented her appearance since tying the knot. She didn’t need to explain why; her joy was evident on her face. She met with her boss, Vikram, discussed upcoming projects, and assured him that she wouldn’t be quitting her job anytime soon. However, amidst managing everything smoothly, one thing demanded her attention repeatedly - the bluish mark below her ear, a love bite. She had to constantly adjust her hair to ensure it remained hidden from others.

During her lunch break, the office peon brought in a stack of couriers that had arrived for her while she was away. Among them were cards from clients congratulating her on her marriage, a few bouquets, some showpieces, and a special gift with no sender's name. It seemed suspicious, but since it had passed through all security checks, Maya decided to open it. Inside was a diamond necklace with a note:

‘I couldn’t be part of your wedding. But this is my blessing for your new life.’

Maya saw the sender’s name behind that note - Vivek Bajaj. He was the only one not invited to the wedding. She clenched her jaw and set the box aside. Everything had been going smoothly until this unwelcome gift from her father surfaced. She wondered if her mother was aware of it; probably not, otherwise, he would have used her mother to deliver the gift instead of sending it by courier to her office address.

Her work phone rang, and she answered it hastily without checking the caller ID. Her voice betrayed her unease.

“Hello… Maya Bajaj from Blitz,” she answered.

“Miss Bajaj, can you pass the phone to my wife, Mrs. Maya Malhotra, please? I thought it was her number I dialed.”

Maya instantly calmed down. It was Ranveer on the line.

“That’s me again,” she replied, closing her eyes. He was teasing her for not identifying herself by her new identity.

“You don’t sound like my wife,” he observed.

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