Page 168 of One Hellish Passion

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Ranveer watched her close her eyes to sleep, keeping their hands clasped. Having her so close was tempting, but he wouldn't take advantage of her vulnerability. She needed comfort, not passion right now.

As exhaustion swept over him, Ranveer had to fight himself not to pull Maya into his arms. To feel her body pressed to his, sleep surrounded by her soft warmth. It was incredibly difficult to resist. But he had to, for her sake.

Ranveer was unaware of Maya's own struggle - part of her wanted to nestle against him, let his strong embrace chase away the darkness. But the other part still feared surrendering so fully, even after their passionate encounters. She remained stiffly in place but overtime her body relaxed, gravitating into his.


Next Morning

As Maya tossed in bed, her leg bumped against something next to her. Opening her eyes lazily, she settled on the handsome face of Ranveer Malhotra sleeping beside her. Last night's memories came flooding back - they had bared their fretful sides, needing each other's comfort. What better soothed their bruised hearts than sleeping together?

Had Ranveer not come to check on her last night and cradled her, she may have died of fear. It was ironic the man responsible for her past pain was also the one whose arms gave her solace now.

Since realizing his mistake, he had always protected her. Now it was her duty to do the same. His past relationships were tangled - with the Maliks, his exes. She had to detach him from those dark complexities into a normal life with her. And she promised herself to do that. This was no longer just his fight alone. She was with him now, forever.

Maya gazed at Ranveer's sleeping form, his chest rising and falling steadily. He looked so at peace, so vulnerable. She traced his features lovingly - the strong jaw, straight nose, sculpted mouth that had kissed her passionately. Her fingers feathered through his messy morning hair. He really was too handsome for his own good. But it no longer made her insecure. This man was hers now.

Ranveer's lashes fluttered at her delicate touch. Opening his eyes, he found her watching him tenderly. His lips tipped in a heart-stopping crooked smile that made her insides melt.

“Good morning, beautiful,” his gravelly morning voice greeted softly.

Maya's cheeks flushed but she held his warm gaze. “Morning,” she whispered back.

Neither made a move to get up, content staying wrapped in their bubble a little longer. Ranveer's thumb idly caressed her hand resting on his chest. She traced his stubble, marveling again at how life brought them together. Come what may, they would face it united now.

Chapter 53

Morning – Paradise

“Are you okay?” Ranveer's deep, protective voice startled Maya as he tried to pull her to him. But she rolled on her side of the bed to get down. “Now that's offending,” he muttered, sitting up against the headboard.

“What is?” she asked.

“Are you scared of me, Maya?” he asked plainly.

She considered before replying, “No, or I wouldn't have let you sleep here.”

He didn't argue. “Are you okay now? You seemed very shaken last night.”

She recalled fragments of the nightmare again. It still lingered in her mind. Ranveer gripped her arm comfortingly.

“It's okay, don't think about it again.”

She turned to him with a weak smile. “Seems you too had one. That’s why you came to my room.”

He avoided her gaze. She didn't need to know his dream. “No,” he lied.

“Come on,” she coaxed. “Don't say it was telepathy, sensing I needed support and that’s why you came here.”

Ranveer smirked.

“Nice excuse, I'll use that next time.”

She frowned at his evasion.

“The first rule of every marriage is transparency,” she reminded him. “Was it about your mother?”

Her persistence broke his secrecy. “It was about you.”

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