Page 162 of One Hellish Passion

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Maya gave a sarcastic smile. “Whether I leave him or not, he'll never come to you. We're married now, Adira. We've promised our lives to each other. When you're older, you'll understand what that means. Neither you nor your silly future attempts can break that bond. Take my advice and stop chasing a man who can never be yours. You have a great life ahead. Study hard, work, make your father proud. Build your life with purpose. This probably all sounds rubbish now. But a day will come when you realize its value.”

Adira cried harder.

“All the best and get well soon,” Maya said sincerely before leaving the distraught girl alone.


Maya felt a sense of relief after having this face-to-face talk with Adira. She didn't know if Adira would follow her instructions or not, but she did her part. She handled it, and never had she felt so satisfied from within. That girl was just driven away by her childish nature, which resulted from the additional pampering from Vivek Bajaj. Had he been strict enough to control her wrongdoings from her childhood, she wouldn't have lost that track.

“Why are you smiling at me?” Maya asked Ranveer in the car as they drove back home.

“I've never seen this side of you,” he replied.

“What side?”

“The sisterly side.”

Maya was surprised. He meant her and Adira's relationship?

“The way you spoke to her, advised her - it was caring, like a sister,” he explained.

Maya stayed silent. She'd always been alone growing up - no siblings or besties. She didn't understand sibling bonds until seeing Ranveer with Dhruv's perfect brotherly love and support.

“Maybe that's from watching you and Dhruv,” she murmured.

He smirked but kept driving. “Adira is not so easy though,” he warned. “She could backfire, be sweet outside but vengeful within. We can't trust her.”

“Hmm,” Maya agreed he had a point. But who said she wanted good ties with any Bajaj? She was happy keeping her distance.

Ranveer parked the car at the porch. As they got out, before she could slip away, he gripped her forearms and pulled her closer. She glanced at him nervously.

“Where were we with the apology thing?” he reminded. “You said you were willing to do anything I asked.”

“I remember,” she murmured softly, feeling tingles in her body already.

“Good. I badly need a shower,” he said suggestively.

Her eyes widened, wondering what she would have to do if he wanted her help showering. Ranveer read her unspoken questions and smirked.

“But before that, I need to shave my beard. So, your task is helping me with that,” he clarified.

“What?” she snapped in surprise. “How can I help? I've never done anything like that before.”

“I'm glad you haven't tried this on anyone else, sweetheart,” he purred, trailing a finger along her cheek as he tucked back a strand of hair. “But I want you to do this for me, Maya. I'll teach you, don't worry.”

Maya swallowed hard, incredibly nervous now.

“If there are ifs or buts coming from you, then forget the apology,” he warned.

Her heart raced faster.

“You're playing with me,” she muttered.

“I haven't even started yet,” he replied, licking his lower lip as he smiled cheekily at her obvious discomfort before walking away.

Chapter 51


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