Page 159 of One Hellish Passion

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“I'm not,” she shouted back. “I know it's wrong for anyone to take such harsh steps. I'm just saying maybe we should have considered her reactions to our marriage news. We might have saved her from doing all this.”

Ranveer sighed in frustration. “She was never in our control.”

“But trying wouldn't have cost us much,” she argued.

Vivek Bajaj came out with the doctors, breaking their attention from each other.

“She's lost a lot of blood, Mr. Bajaj. I suggest we move her to the hospital. It won't be easy for us to care for her here,” one said.

“Hospital?” Vivek was worried if news of his daughter's suicide attempt spread. It was an offense she could be punished for.

Ranveer stepped over to Vivek. “I think they're right. Make a decision soon, Mr. Bajaj. She'll get better care in a hospital, not here.”

“You don't have a say,” Vivek shouted. “All this is because she was mad for you.”

“We can blame each other later. Adira's life is what matters now. I'll make sure this stays quiet. Make arrangements to move her,” Ranveer urged.

Vivek nodded, feeling terrible yet accepting Ranveer's decision. Adira was all he had left. He couldn’t afford to lose his daughter.

Chapter 50

Getting Adira to the hospital worked. Her vitals stabilized, though she remained unconscious. Ranveer ensured secrecy through Aman. Even Adira's name was left off records. Vivek silently appreciated Ranveer's efforts, though aware he acted not for them but for himself and Maya. Now Vivek anxiously waited for Adira to wake.

Maya poured coffee and headed back to sit outside Adira's private room. Glancing at Vivek, still panicked, made her pause. The man so worried for his daughter was her father too, though she'd never accept him as such. But today was not for judging him, but offering basic humanity if nothing else. She filled a second mug and brought it over.

“Coffee,” she offered.

Vivek startled at her sudden gesture. He shook his head in refusal.

“She'll be alright. But to look after her, you must care for yourself too. Take it,” Maya insisted gently.

She didn't know how she had managed to explain that to him so calmly. They had never been on speaking terms. She hated him for abandoning her mother and her. And he had never done anything to change her mind. Vivek himself was shocked that she had shown concern for him. He took the coffee mug from his shivering hands and sipped some.

“You talk like a grown-up woman now,” he murmured. “Like a typical elder daughter.”

His words made her stop moving toward the opposite couch.

“I would do the same for any man in your place. Nothing has changed, Mr. Bajaj. You are still no one to me,” she snapped.

Vivek looked down in remorse. Ranveer returned then, having been speaking to Aman and getting updates on any media leaks about the incident. Vivek gave him a cold stare as he sat next to Maya.

“Where's your phone?” Ranveer asked her.

“Why? It's in my purse.”

“Your mother tried calling you. When you didn't answer, she called me. She and Daadi are worried you didn't come home yet.”

“Oh,” Maya said, having him hold her coffee mug which he did, even sipping some - she didn't mind. He loved sipping from her mug, it made him feel closer to her.

“Don't worry, I told them you're with me and now headed home,” he assured.

“I can't leave until Adira wakes up,” Maya insisted.

“Maya,” he interrupted firmly. “You should go before your mother suspects something.”

She realized he was right. Just then the doctor emerged from Adira's room.

“She's stable now and conscious. She wants to see you Mr. Bajaj,” he informed them.

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