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What in the fuck? I was beyond tired of being in this bed.

“Then buzz me if you need anything.” She said before disappearing.

“How do you expect me to get clean without getting up?” I snapped at him.

He didn’t respond, instead; he emptied everything and arranged them on the bed table. Then, he went into the bathroom and ran the water. He was so… so… infuriating! He’d been here and quiet the whole time, and when he speaks, the jerk tries to boss me around. I wasn’t having it!

When he came back, hot water steamed from the basin. He sat it on the table and walked to the door, which he closed. He fooled with the thermostat in the room and then pulled closed the privacy curtain. Taking off his jacket, he rolled up his sleeves and then came over to me. He lifted the sheets to expose my feet and legs. He took one cloth and put it into the water. Then he put body wash on it.

“What are you doing?” I tried hard not to roll my eyes at him.

“Washing you.” He shrugged before he began washing my legs.

He applied pressure as he moved, making it feel like more of a massage than being cleaned.

“You don’t have to do this. I can wash myself.”

“I know.” And he never slowed as he worked. Sure, hands washed my entire body. He used a separate cloth for my face and another for my girly bits.

I was fine at first, but when he spread my legs and labia and swiped carefully, I whimpered at the pressure he used. Not one time while washing me had this felt sexual until now. That had to be the reason there was no discomfort at him seeing me completely naked and available for him. His hands had worked efficiently and carefully this entire time. Now, I was laying here wondering if I’d just been naïve to it all.

“Would you like to do this yourself?” He asked hoarsely.

I probably should have. Especially when I was sure that it was arousal I heard in his voice.

He waited for a beat before he returned to the job. He made quick work of finishing and moving on to clean my butt, which he spread and cleansed the area like he had many times before. Unsure of why everything buzzed in awareness of him, I took a minute to myself when he dumped the water and got some fresh. Soaked washcloths rinsed me clean, and the towel followed to dry me. He helped me into my clothes, and I brushed my teeth while he brushed my hair into a puffball.

He cleaned up the small mess we made, stripped the bed down, and put all the linen in the hamper. I sat in the recliner quiet and studied Caesar. Something about the bathing experience had lingered with me. He could have taken advantage but hadn’t. He could have let me struggle through it alone, but he didn’t. And he’d been a gentleman even now. The way he’d taken control without demeaning me made me look at him differently. He hadn’t asked permission, doing exactly what he wanted. He gave me choices, and when I stalled, he provided the solution. He was trouble and I’d been blind until now. I’d underestimated what he was about. Gentle, yet intense. That was a lethal combination.

“I’ll get the nurse and see where we are with the discharge process.” Not waiting for me to respond, he left the room.

I sipped on the juice I’d gotten earlier while thinking about how different the twins were. Caesar was quiet and often didn’t explain himself, leaving me to question everything he did. Tavi had no issues telling me how it was. He was direct in what he wanted and knew the whys too. Two distinct personalities and both were complex in ways. I could see exactly what I was up against. A world where opposite things applied at the same time.

When he came back with transportation wheeling in a chair and the nurse in tow with paperwork, I knew it was time to go. He put everything together and into my bag. We went to the car, and he helped me inside. Once he buckled me in, he got in and took me to the hotel where I was staying. I grabbed a few days’ worth of clothes and then he ushered me back into the car.

I would stay with them until the pain eased up for me and I could do more on my own. They had given me the option of them being here or me going there. And since I didn’t see how the three of us would fit comfortably in my room, I opted for their house. Crissy knew where I was going to be, and I’d given her the address just in case. When we pulled up to their house, I felt betrayed by how Caesar had downplayed it.

“This isn’t a damn house. A house is something that a family can fit in. This is…” I stepped out of the car and a man greeted me who manned the front door.

Inside, the halls seemed to go on forever. The first room was a living room that was more like a museum. Photos lined the walls of relatives and people of importance. There were even pictures of them and Ward. Some had other men in them as well. They displayed their entire lives in this room instead of photo albums. They were all black and white with gold frames. The room was big enough to have sections. A fireplace was on the center wall with high pillared vases, glass beads, black and gold leaves, and cream candles. Everything was crisp lines and precise placement. Afraid to touch anything, I didn’t get too close. In awe, I remained quiet.

“This is our family room,” Caesar spoke after clearing his throat. “We rarely come in here, but when we have people over, we usually entertain here. “

“This isn’t a house, Caesar. You and Tavi… you don’t have to work.” I felt like I was in over my head, unsure what to say. They were millionaires, at least. This house was extensive. Not as large as Nana’s house, but it stood in its own right.

“It’s our home. We like it here. If you don’t–”

“How can someone not like it here? It’s over the top and way too much for just two men. Who else lives here?” I turned in his direction.

“Our sister does when she’s home from college. And mother lives in the suite out back. We lost our father a few years ago and brought her here. She’s alive and well, but it makes no sense for her to live alone in a house she struggled to manage. My father took care of everything, and it left her helpless.”

“I hope you don’t think I’ll be the same, Caesar.” Walking close to him to look him in the eye so that he understood exactly what I was saying. “You won’t make me a kept woman.”

“Sam, if you’re mine, you’ll be whatever I want you to be.” It came out in a raspy growl as if the man couldn’t just use regular words. “I don’t think you’re ready to find out what that means. If you were, there’s no way you’d be standing in front of me.”

I flinched, not understanding. “What is that supposed to mean, Caesar?”

“You’d be on your knees, instead.”

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