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“Yeah, that, too.”

“I wanted to apologize for how I bum-rushed you the other day. You had just woken up, and I immediately only worried about myself. It was selfish. I want you to get better. I need you to. But you need to take all the time you need to improve, too. It wasn’t just something that physically happened to you. It’s left an impact on your mind and fears, as well. You’ll need time to process it all.” His hand never stopped massaging my back.

“I’ve just had nothing like this happen before. I’m glad they caught him and took him away, so he’s one less problem in the world.”

“Copy that. I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m sorry this happened to you. It would have been nice if we’d gotten there before, so none of this would have occurred at all.”

“Your timing was perfect. I can’t worry about what didn’t happen, just what did. I’m forever grateful for you and Caesar.”

Tavi kissed my forehead and pulled me closer into his arms. He smelled of spliff and bourbon. Underneath that, I could scent his natural smell. Something one hundred percent Tavi. He released me and lay down beside where I once laid. He pulled me back into his arms.

“I’m hungry,” I mumbled. Tired, I closed my eyes and don’t remember his response.

Chapter Four


Coming home from closing the bar, I unbuttoned my shirt and loosened my ponytail. I made myself a cup of coffee laced with bourbon and lit the fireplace. Turning on the music, I let the blues fill the room while I stared into the flames. I sipped slowly as I tried to figure out what this attack at the club was about. Tonight, we’d had another body show up. I hadn’t wanted to leave Tavi and Sam here when she’d had her bad dream. Shortly after, I’d gotten a call about it from my assistant.

They were probably asleep, and right now, I appreciated the silence to just think. More dangerous drugs in our packages. I’d had a few runners check their supplies, and none of them said anything was off about their stashes. They seemed like somebody was trying to frame us for something and turn heads in our direction. We didn’t need that, especially when we didn’t run drugs inside the bar. We only cleaned money. Why were we being set up? That was the only question I couldn’t find an answer to. Ward either. He was having a meeting tomorrow with the brothers to see what their thoughts were on it. I just needed to clear my mind until then. Finishing my cup, I poured bourbon inside, forgoing the coffee this time.

My mind drifted to Sam. She was going to force me to deal with my past. To deal with it, I had to let go of the pain I’d been through. Sicily was a nice girl, but when she learned about how much money we were sitting on, she wanted it more than us. She’d originally been into both of us, which was rare. Women thought it was weird to be with two men that are brothers. It’s not like we fucked each other. Somehow, being with the same woman made us feel more connected. We enjoyed that connection that made us different from most of the world. One that we’d gotten to experience because the egg split and put us in the same place at the same time. Believe it or not, when we were with Torin, the connection grew. Almost as if he was our other brother.

People didn’t understand it. Though Tavi and I differed from one another, the one thing we did share was the need to grow the bond we had. When he took care of a woman who belonged to us, it also benefited me, making me happy. Same for him and Torin. And the happier the woman we shared was, the better the experience. Not every sexual experience needed to be together. But every once in a while, it was nice to see a woman’s pleasure coming from what the three of us could bring.

Lifting my cup, I growled when it was empty. Adding more, I decided it would be the night's last drink. The buzz I was looking for had settled in, and I needed nothing more. Hot, I removed my undershirt and socks. I let my hair down and leaned my head back toward my preferred spot.

“If I didn’t just leave Tavi upstairs asleep in my room, I’d think that you were him.” Elara stood in the doorway eating a sandwich.

“How do you know I’m not? Maybe I was quicker than you, beating you in here.” I let my eyes climb up her body slowly. I lingered at her rounded thighs, soft stomach, and the swell of her breasts.

She wore spandex shorts, black and high enough for me to anticipate her turning around. If they covered her ass, it wouldn’t be by a lot. Her tank top was long and hid the vee of her pussy. The sides had slits that exposed the length of her shorts to me. No shoes. She looked comfortable. I enjoyed her this way more than I should. It was a temporary solution having her here, but I could get used to her parading around like this.

“Caesar, you and Tavi are very different. I can usually tell you apart. I’m certain you are you.”

“What woke you up so late?” I took another sip and swirled the amber liquid in my cup.

“My stomach. I was starving.” She giggled. “This is my second one of these. And that’s not including the one that Tavi brought me earlier.”

“Would you like for me to cook you something?” I sat forward, momentarily distracted by her need for food. However, I’d wondered what she’d taste like before I’d posed the question.

“No, thanks. I’m full now. Two sandwiches, some strawberries, and a bottle of water should be plenty.”

“I’ll have breakfast ready in the morning. You’ll need it. Requests?”

“Pancakes. You can never go wrong with pancakes.” She smiled.

“Then it’s settled.”

“Well, I don’t want to bother you.” She turned away.

“Sam…” I called for her to come back.

“Yes?” She peaked around the corner at me.

“Stay. I was enjoying this time with you.”

“Normally, you want nothing to do with me. Right now, you don’t want me to leave.”

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