Page 8 of Bound By Watchers

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I turned to the Domenent. Nèrvanya stared at me with a depth of disgust that made me shake.

“But you come to live among us. Why can’t we ascend to live with you?”

“Because you’ll never be worthy enough.”

I flinched at the harshness of Nèrvanya’s words. Her eyes flickered with embers that made me stumble back. A creeping sense of inferiority seeped into my bones.

“Any Domenent dumb enough to bring anyone but angels to our kingdom is exiled. Now, enough drooling. You have a job to do… if you wish to return to the Sèlie Court.”

Nèrvanya’s brothers nodded, hints of restrained irritation lining their jaws. I grudgingly turned my sights away from Avari and faced the tents.

“So, he’s in here somewhere? Doesn’t seem like what I saw in that… vision thing you showed.”

“That vision thing is an astroproge. And no, the Condemned isn’t here,” Kiranon said. He lifted his head and pointed skyward. “The Condemned is up there.”

I followed his finger and gulped. Holy skies. How was I going to get up there? And once I did, how would I get back down?

Mother always said greed bred for troublesome consequences. I had signed up for a ticket back to Elèor without considering what it might cost me. I never imagined I’d be signing up for this.

The Condemned’s tower was above in the clouds. And I was to be stuck with him. Alone. I straightened my spine. All I had to do was learn the prisoners’ secret, seduce him, and win my freedom from Kairyen. I’d done worse to better. This would be a breeze.

“Alright then,” I said, voice even. “Let’s go.”

Kiranon nodded. He popped open the locket hanging loose around his neck, letting the small contents fall into his palm. I snuck a glance and nearly laughed. The angel held a group of crystal-looking beans in his hand.

I was about to ask why he was carrying around beans, but decided against it. I watched Kiranon toss the bean into the cloudy floor. The siblings then raised their hands simultaneously. Magic surged in their palms as water and poured where the bean had fallen and sunk into the clouds. When the water stopped flowing, an intangible glow filled their palms. They began clapping their wings. I covered my ears, the boom in each clap nearly bursting my eardrums.

A storm of cloud and mist began taking shape out of nothing, shrouding the tents. I could see nothing beyond the clouds. Then a grand ladder came into view. The entire thing looked made of glass and stone. The ladder rose and rose, continuing to push into the sky until I could no longer see its end.

Several mechanisms on the ladder clicked into place before the Sky Watchers looked my way. Their eyes bristled with fresh anger. I panicked until I realized it wasn’t directed at me. Unwilling to trigger any ire, I shuffled to Kiranon’s side and quietly waited for my next instructions.

“This is the Sky Ladder. It is the only access to Urien where the imprisoned Domenent is held. We’re taking our chariots there. Hold on tight or I’ll let you fall out.”

Dread ballooned in my chest as realization set in. This was happening, and it was too late to back out. Three golden chariots surfaced and the Sky Watchers climbed inside each. I noticed the rungs of the Sky Ladder blended into one long, steep ramp, angling upward. Without dallying, I joined Kiranon in his chariot. Once I was secure, Kiranon took off.


“By the gods!”

I was locked in an uncomfortable position as the winds assailed my body, whipping my hair and chilling my bones. I cursed myself for not coming with a cloak. The angels didn’t bother offering one of theirs, either. I frowned, already regretting my decision.

Kiranon’s arms were like iron bars around my waist, locked onto the reigns being tugged by an unseen beast. I had so many questions I knew I would get no answers to.

I tried and failed to see the other Sky Watchers. I found it funny. As powerful as they were, and all the wings they had, they needed this silly little ramp to reach a tower. A ramp created by beans, no less. I struggled to believe I saw what I saw.

I turned to look up at Kiranon and the handsome planes of his hardened face. He remained quiet, paying me no mind. I sighed, knowing attempting conversation was futile. Besides, the wind would steal my words, anyway. I faced forward and stifled a scream. The further we rose between the columns of the clouds, the clearer some things became.

Like the three gargantuan beasts pulling our chariot.

Before me raced oversized stallions. Their bodies were see-through as water. They had large horns at the center of their heads, long braided tails that whipped in the wind and mist foaming out of their mouths.

“What in the realms?” I whispered to myself.

“They are Yulnicorns,” Kiranon offered. “Single-horned beasts from the differing cosms. The Caelesti realm isn’t their only home. Many have called the cosms within the Astraean realm home as well. We are blessed to have our friends live among us.”

In response, one of the Yulnicorns neighed and threw its mane in what seemed like an endearing gesture. Then.

“We cherish you, too, Domenent.”

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