Page 4 of Bound By Watchers

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A ring at the door made Ayla freeze. In an instant, her hands were moving, pulling up her hood, concealing her identity. Un’Sèlie fae weren’t kind to Sèlie who liberally crossed court borders. Ayla knew this all too well. Being caught alone meant she might not make it back home.

A young couple strutted in, clothed in stately robes. The male wore a foolish grin. His bride wore a caged expression. By a glance, I knew both had had one too many glasses of fae wine. I smiled. I’d make a killing off of these two.

“Ayla love,” I said, quietly, as she frantically searched for another exit. “You have my word. Lovers Snare will do the trick. Squeeze three drops of the serum in his wine. Within the hour, he’ll have you shaking with ecstasy.” I waved my fingers. “I’d go with lace underneath, if you know what I mean.”

Ayla bit her lip, doubtful. Finally, she nodded, handing over a small pouch of fine velvet embroidered in gold. On its side was a blooming flower curled through two crossed swords. The seal of Elèor, the Sèlie Court.

Longing coiled in my chest. A yearning for home unfurled in my gut, threatening to bow me over in misery. Quickly, I shoved the sensation down and turned to Ayla with a confident smile. Collecting my coin, I shooed her through a side door, dropped the pouch behind the counter, and twirled towards my new guests. They clung to each other, whispering, as they scoured my shelves.

“Well, well. Welcome to E’Chant.” I dipped my head in polite greeting. “What brings you two in?”

The pair looked my way. The woman’s smile made me shudder. Thin, and sharp as a blade, it cut through my initial assumptions. In contrast, the male couldn’t take his eyes off of me. They snagged on my breasts, then gradually lowered, taking in my curves, before rising slowly again. My smile faltered, my heart rate increasing.

I’d grossly misjudged the two.

They were married, but far from happy.

“I’m looking for something to ease tensions at home,” the male answered with an affable grin. His lavish robes told me he was one of Kairyen’s Lords. His bride stiffened. “I’ve recently come home from an important trip into the Shrouded Wood on behalf of His Majesty, High King Azrassael. Ever since, Narèthe here has been unusually quiet. I’d love something that will help that.”

I locked eyes with Narèthe, silently asking for what she wanted. When Mother first brought me up in the art of enchantments, the first lesson she’d taught me was to take care of fae women. Always. For beneath the silk, gems, and bright smiles, were bleeding hearts seeking vengeful respite. Especially in Kairyen.

Narèthe’s smile bowed at the edges. She blinked a few times and then closed her eyes. Three beats passed before she opened them again. Ah. So she came in for a poison to put the cheating bastard to sleep. Permanently.

A wicked grin curled my lips.

“I believe I have just the thing for you both.”

I sauntered to my shelves, reaching for a midnight blue vial in the shape of a writhing flower. Yhurdas Kiss. It may have tasted like sweet wine, but it was more lethal than the Norclère vipers. I stirred the contents before turning to the couple.

“What’s that going to do, beautiful Daliah?”

The Lord took my hand in his, bringing my knuckles to his lips. Despite the chiming bells at my front door, I remained fully focused on the fae. I stifled a snort. As gorgeous as he was a scoundrel.

What a pity he’d be dead soon.

I took in the proud curve of his full pink lips, pressed into an earthen brown face, angled to perfection. His green eyes swallowed me whole. I nearly forget myself. Acid curled my lips as empty pleasantries coated my tongue.

“It will give you the night of your dreams, my Lord,” I whispered. I flicked my gaze to Narèthe. The vacuum in her eyes stoked a fire in my heart. “I promise.”

She smiled then. The broken line across her face could freeze over deserts.

“While Lady Narèthe is getting ready for you, rub a few drops around your heart. Before you know it, both of you will be lost in pleasure like you’ve never known, and all tensions will be gone.”

The Lord leaned forward. I sniffed strong wine, and something else that made me tense.

“What are the chances of getting you, too?”

I stilled. Un’Sèlie fae like him too often took me for a common harlot. All because I was an Enchantress. I flashed him a razor sharp smile.

“My Lord, if you’re looking for a night walker, might I suggest searching the corners of Louvrethre?”

He smirked. “I’ll get my hands on you yet, Temptress.” Then to Narèthe, “Come. Our night has just begun.”

As they both left, I turned to find a Domenent leaning on my counter. My throat went dry. I didn’t deal with angels. Ever. What did this one want?

He scrutinized me with multicolored eyes that reflected the different shades of the sea. By the common looks of his garments, he wasn’t a Sky Watcher, or any other angel-kind I recognized.

“Try to guess all you want. You’ll never figure it out.”

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