Page 30 of Bound By Watchers

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Both his brows rose now.

“Is that your title for it? Seems simple.”

“As it should be.”

He waved a hand.

“It’s neither here nor there. Explain. Only your mamè carries the trait?”

“Yes, and no. All fae females from Norclère, carry the magic inherited from their mothers. However, not all males do. Father could enchant but not to the degree mother could. At least, from the little that I know.”

“Little that you know?”

I bit my lip. Took a deep breath.

“Mother was a skilled and well known Enchantress in Elèor. Her work could be found in most homes, including that of High King Azrassael and Queen Laikali. Father wed Mother when she was fairly young. While she grew as Elèor’s expert Enchantress, he became so influential he had the ear of the High King. Everything for our family was going perfectly. Until the she-devil stepped foot in our house.”

I ground my teeth, my hands trembling.

“I won’t ever forget it,” I spat. “The red-haired demon would traipse around our home as if she owned the place. I was so small. It took time for me to understand. The smile she would wear was one of triumph.”

I fought for breath, my gut twisting as memories flashed in my mind. I flicked my eyes to Zhèmson. “Did I mention she’s a Domenent?”

He stilled. His expression stormed, rage I’d never seen before clouding his eyes.

“I was older when I learned she and Mother had been best friends once. Mother had always been easy on the eyes. Easily beloved. Said friend, perfect as she was, could never compete.” I grew somber, memories of Mother filling my mind. “The demon had eyes for Father since the moment he and Mother wed. Not because she loved him,” my voice broke. I cleared my throat and pressed on. “She simply wanted to ruin Mother after spending so much time envying her.”

I looked up at Zhèmson, who was only getting enraged the more I shared.

“Isn’t that just stupid? An angel! Jealous of fae! Gods. That rotting whore brought our heads down in ruin.”

I looked away, fighting the rush of tears burning the backs of my eyes. Zhèmson listened intently, not uttering a word. I gripped my goblet with both hands, fighting the urge to scream. I was still so angry. Still hell bent on revenge. The wench was still with Father, though it was widespread that her bed was often accompanied by anyone but him.

“It wasn’t long before she spread some scandalous tale about Mother among a group of Domenents who called Elèor home. The angels took it among themselves to fan the bullrot throughout the entire Sèlie Court. I never got all the details, but it wasn’t long before the angels helped the whore cause irreparable damage. Mother took me and fled. I remember never crying. I was numb, aching for the Father who abandoned us, and the Court who shunned us. Soon after, Mother’s parlor was burned down. She’d dealt with depression for some time after, while having to start over in the Un’Sèlie Court.”

My heart ached for the mother I wished the gods had given more time. I still needed her terribly. I turned away, unable to control my tears.

“Mother was resilient. She made a home in Kairyen, collecting bribes and bargains that kept us off the streets. She built a new parlor, and soon enough, she was the most frequented business. Un’Sèlie are a stain to me. Menaces I had to tolerate my entire life. It was an art learning to dodge both fae and angel looking for something small and pretty to break.”

I trailed off, lost in the darkness that often surfaced when I brought up my past.

“Mother died while I was still becoming a woman, but she’d taught me everything I needed to survive. Enchanting keeps my coffers full and my flesh untouched.”

“Its also left you empty.”

I said nothing. The raw truth of his observation was too much to bear.

The Sèlie had betrayed us.

The Un’Sèlie had used us.

But it was the angels who had destroyed us.

The Sky Watchers had given me a bargain. A way back. I could rebuild. Once my reputation was established, I’d hunt down the angelic harlot and claw out her hearts with my bare hands. I squeezed the goblet. My heart raced. I was so angry. Father’s betrayal was a wound that still festered. What he did to Mother. What he allowed that angel to do to me… If he still breathed, he’d also find death a sure thing at the end of my wrath.

“Daliah,” Zhèmson cooed. “Look at me.”

I couldn’t.

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