Page 20 of Bound By Watchers

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He broke into a glorious smile that melted my heart and left me weak. Thank the gods I was already sitting down.

“A name for a story?” He chuckled. “Tempting.”

“So what is it?”

He flashed his teeth.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

I cursed beneath my breath, calling on the gods of death to pluck him clean. The Domenent laughed me to scorn, his eyes still dancing. He looked refreshed. As if he’d gained back half a lifetime from breakfast until now. What had he been up to?

Out of the blue, I got an idea.

“Will you join me for dinner a few nights from now?”

He stopped laughing. The Domenent considered me.

“That all depends, Temptress. Will supprèst be a repeat of firstfast?”

“That all depends, Domenent. Will you be on your best behavior?”

He grinned. Two dimples emerged, causing my heart rate to skyrocket. I fought against the rush of heat flooding my neck and in between my thighs. Against the urge to grab him and do something reckless.

“I suppose we have to eat in peace at some point.” A tilt of his head, a flash across his eyes. His tongue prodded one of his canines. If he continued on like that, I might very well be the idiot that got played in our little game. “Yes, Temptress. I will join you for supprèst.”


Feet strapped in lacy sandals elevated by thin heels, I strutted into the chamber the Domenent requested we have dinner in. For the affair, I chose a silken piece with sheer sleeves, high slits, and modest enough appeal. My hair hung loose, and I wore minimal jewels. I crossed the threshold with the confidence of the gods and stepped in.

When I spotted him, I froze.

Wearing an unbuttoned, tan tunic and dark breeches that clung to him down to his calves, the Domenent lounged in a plush chair, one ankle balanced atop his knee. He held a goblet in his hand, swirling absentmindedly, while he looked out onto the open terrace. The view beyond was almost as breathtaking as him.

I took a deep breath, ogling him. He looked so at peace. Seeing him like this pricked at the sensitivity I’d buried beneath my hardened heart. I almost felt guilty for my treachery.


Scanning the chamber, I found it intimate, quite the opposite from the hall we shared breakfast in the first day I’d arrived. If I wasn’t mistaken, this seemed to be a dining chamber within his suite. It was simpler in decor, but still grand. The more I took it in, the more I questioned the truth of his identity.


I cleared my throat and waited. The Domenent shifted from one angle to another to face me wholly. The trivial movement felt like a seismic shift of force. I planted my heels into the carpet. I refused to melt beneath the inferno weighing me down in his gaze. He narrowed those amber and pale eyes, sharpening his focus. When clarity struck, his mouth fell into a small o.

“Mm, your Vèrtu didn’t warn you?” I taunted. “I clean up pretty nicely.”

His lips quirked. One of those burning dimples surfaced. In one swoop, he used a wing to put his goblet on a side table, while the rest bowed before his body followed suit. His mannerisms were becoming of a prince at court. I watched him, riveted. When he rose, his expression was bright. The Domenent gestured to the small table set for two.

“Join me, Temptress.”

My toes curled. The way he said it did funny things to my heart. Things I quickly buried.

With a flick of my hair over a shoulder, I reached for a seat. His wing got to it first, pulling it back so I could sit down. I looked at him, blushing at his chivalry. The heat in his gaze could undress me if he wanted.

So. The games have begun.

I looked away, brushing a curl from my face, sat down, and let him push me in. I kept my eyes on the delicious and beautifully laid out spread before us as he took his seat. A sensual quiet charged the air. I could feel the burn of his gaze on me, devouring every detail.

“Purple.” He lifted a hand to reach for a strand, then dropped it. “What possessed you to choose it? It suits you perfectly.”

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