Page 14 of Bound By Watchers

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“We keep the tower and our High—”

“Imbècil. Ellene konnen rien sou kiyès ilest!”

The first Vèrtu sharply rebuked a smaller, younger, peer. I looked between them as lips sealed and secrets were locked away.


High what?

I was determined to find out. Feigning ignorance, I asked what I currently needed to know.

“Honorable Vèrtu. As you can see, I don’t know my way, and right now I’m starving. Where can I get a hot meal?”

“This way!”

The small Vèrtu who’d just been rebuked fluttered his wings in excitement. He spun around himself, a glittering shimmer of gold tumbling around him, before he flew to my hand and tugged on my index finger.

“Come, come! We’ve already begun preparing firstfast!”


“It’s good to see you again.”

I flicked my eyes to the Condemned, keeping my mug close to my lips. The Vèrtu had taken it upon themselves to drag me to an ornate dining chamber. To my chagrin, my angelic roommate was there first, sipping from a goblet at the end of the table. He ignored me and kept drinking. My nostrils flared. I would make no headway if I couldn’t even get him to look at me. I cleared my throat and tried again.

“Good morning! The day is beautiful here. The enchanting views especially took me aback.” I looked at him beneath batting lashes. “I’m sure you can agree to that, yes?”

Those pale-amber eyes slowly lifted in my direction. The Condemned stared at me for a long moment before responding.

“You love running your mouth and hearing yourself talk.” A snort. “I’m sure you can agree to that, yes?”

Several guffaws rang out around the dining chamber. Vèrtu sniggered as they floated in and out with new trays of food and drinks. My neck grew hot. This was not going well.

“All I did was give you the decency of a pleasant greeting. What’s so wrong about that?”

The Condemned frowned, his eyes blazing.

“You can stuff it. I need no greeting from you, Temptress.”

I ground my teeth, fuming. Stubborn, pompous, effervescent bastard. I downed the strong, caffeinated contents in my mug and shook my curls. My hands trembled as I reached for the platter of stuffed eggs, fresh veggies, and caramelized fruit. The chamber grew ten levels warmer with my mounting irritation. My fingers itched with the need to slip out my dagger and throw it at this idiot’s eyeballs.

Filling my plate to the brim, I began stuffing my face. In all my years, I’d never been handled with such crass, and by an angel no less. I chewed fast, unable to relish the flavors exploding in my mouth. I shoved down another forkful before swallowing what I was chewing when the Condemned scowled at me in disgust.

“Did they starve you before dropping you here?”

I stopped chewing. Flaring heat crawled up my neck, flushing my cheeks. Several Vèrtu paused mid-flight, watching my reaction with growing concern. I looked the angel square in the eyes, uncertain if I’d make it to the end of breakfast without drawing blood from him. Swallowing around the food, words blurted out of my mouth before I could stop them.

“They should have starved you before leaving you here. Then you wouldn’t have the balls to be such a prick.”

Sharp gasps filled the air. The hall fell dangerously quiet. Shimmers of magic began slipping out of the angel, surrounding him like a glowing silhouette. His eyes glinted, deepening to molten earth. I took a long swig of coffee to drain both the food and my rising temper.

This was going to be a long year.

I reached out to set the goblet down, when the Condemned whispered.

“They did.”

I stilled.

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