Page 11 of Bound By Watchers

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The creature was an angel alright. One that made the Sky Watchers pale in comparison. I couldn’t help but ogle him as my heart pounded in my chest. Like an idiot, I began brushing my skirts, fiddling with tidying my hair, and even wrinkling my hands.


The Domenent was perfection.

He was as tall as he was powerful in build. I found the pale-amber eyes from before. They had a glow to them. A luster that didn’t come from this world. Probably didn’t even come from this realm.

Embedded in the most handsome face I’d ever laid eyes on, I snagged on his wide brows, full lips, and proud jawline. Colored like bronzed earth, and clothed in a tight, sleeveless tunic, tucked into fitting breeches, I nearly choked on his glory. His head remained tilted to the side, while he crossed those large biceps encircled in golden armlets. His lengthy, thick locs swung by his hips, as he remained still as stone, giving me the same once-over.

Neither of us spoke. I knew I certainly couldn’t. Out of everything I’d imagined I’d find in this tower after what the Sky Watchers said, never could I have guessed I’d be sent to seduce him.

I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. He caught the movement, observing me as if memorizing every detail. The air in the foyer was suffocating. I was hot, and not from the warmth in the room. This was the Condemned I’d be living with? It wasn’t possible. How would I keep from being distracted the entire time?

“I take it you’re the Temptress the Sky Watchers found to make me play nice.”

I bristled, blinking at his sharp calculations. Jutting out my hip, I tsked, and crossed my arms, pushing up my bust. His eyes snagged on the move, the amber growing molten. I smirked demurely.

“So you’re the dog they have caged up here. Mm.” I threw him an unimpressed glance. “I expected more.” I looked around, fighting with my awe at the charm of the tower. Surely it had been made for a king and queen from long ago. “This is the pretty prison, hm?” I motioned with my hand. “I suppose it’ll do.”

I lifted my eyes to the Domenent as if bored. “Pray tell, who are you? And how long will you stand there before showing me around?”

A glint flashed in the Domenent’s eyes.

“You want a tour, huh? Riddle me this first.” An eery sensation crept into the hall. “Fae who make me, have no need of me. Fae who buy me can never use me. Fae who use me can never see or feel me.” His eyes pierced mine. “Violator of my peace. What am I?”

I swallowed. My mind scrambled for an answer, unsure of what he could mean. It felt like time slowed as I tried and failed to respond.

He sneered, a hideous scowl bowing his full lips.

“I would be a coffin.” A low growl. “And you belong in it.”

The insult stung. I blinked back at him, astonished at his cruelty. The angel levitated, flapping his glorious wings in the air.

“If you think I’ll continue wasting my breath on Un’Sèlie dung, you’re highly mistaken.”

He clapped his wings, all six pairs, at once, jolting my senses.

I jumped, my nerves rattled.

“Want a tour of the tower? Put those pathetic legs to use and get walking.” The angel sneered. “How long did they give you? Thirty dawns? Three mèkad? An entire cycle? Let’s see if you don’t go mad in less.”

He laughed darkly, winked at me, and spun away, leaving me with my mouth hanging open in the foyer. It took several moments after the Domenent’s departure for me to gather myself. Lifting a hand to my temple, I felt large beads of sweat.

Living hells.

This was supposed to be a breeze.

No matter. If he wanted our wills to dance, two could play that game. Domenent bastard. I would find his secret, and in less than the allotted time. This angel was confident I’d fail. That would be my advantage.

He liked games and so did I.

Gathering my skirts, I determined to gain a steady footing in this unfamiliar landscape and win. I would be undone by no one, especially not this angelic brute. I charged off down another hall in search of a room.

I had one year.

Learn the Domenent’s secret. Betray him. Have my life in Elèor restored.

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