Page 63 of Twisted Princess

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“But this mission is dangerous?” I press.

“Yes,” Gleb confirms gravely. “But it’s not my life on the line. If I stay with you now, I could cost one of my brothers his life—one of the few brothers I actually care about.”

My stomach plummets, my chest tightening as I see the anxiety flash behind his eyes. Gleb doesn’t worry often. So when he does, it affects me deeply. And I can sense the pain it would cause for him to lose this brother.

Conflicted as I am to admit it, I’m glad to know Gleb has family he cares about. He couldn’t kill each of his brothers with equally callous brutality like he did Miko. I wonder if this brother he’s worried about isn’t partly responsible for keeping Gleb a decent man—despite his unconventional upbringing. If so, I wouldn’t want to be responsible for his death either.

“I have to go, Mel,” Gleb insists, but his hushed voice is closer to a plea—a silent need for me to understand, to accept what he’s saying. “But I’ll be back before you even have time to miss me,” he adds lightly.

That’s impossible. I already miss him just from thinking about watching him leave.

But it would be selfish of me to ask him to stay. I can’t when it could put his brother’s life in danger. “Okay,” I breathe, and I swallow down the lump in my throat.

Relief brightens the seafoam green of Gleb’s eyes.

He releases a heavy breath.

And in one swift, fluid motion, he cradles the back of my head, pulling me in for a passionate kiss. Heat radiates between us, the attraction growing electric as his tongue lightly traces the seam of my lips. I breathe him in, soaking up the courage that his touch lends me. The zing of excitement every time we kiss.

It’s over too soon, and when he pulls back, his throat spasms as he swallows forcefully.

His eyes dart down to Gabby, and he runs his fingers through her damp curls. My heart squeezes. He’s checking that she’s okay with him kissing me.

She smiles up at us tentatively, her free hand wrapping around his thigh, and she leans against him to join in our embrace. It reminds me of finding her and Gleb all cuddled up together this morning.

He’s so good with her.

And she’s certainly taken with him. I’ve never seen her get so close to somebody like that—I mean, Kieri, but that’s because Kieri was there for her from the beginning. But Gabby’s drawn to Gleb almost as inexplicably as I am.

Sighing, I try not to let the weight of my guilt come crushing down on me. I want to be honest with Gleb, and yet, I don’t know how. Not when I still haven’t told him about Gabby.

And that secret just keeps growing bigger, the longer I keep quiet.

But now is not the time to tell him. Not when he’s preparing to leave for a risky mission involving his brother.

I’m shamefully tempted to accept his statement that “the past is the past.” Maybe that would be the best for everyone involved. I believe him when he says he would love Gabby regardless of thinking she has a different father. And it would be so much easier.

Right now, I can see the potential. The connection building between us.

But I know our relationship would never work if I tried to keep something that big from Gleb. The thought of doing it indefinitely might just make me implode. He sees too much, and I hate keeping secrets.

It needs to come from me, and I need to tell him soon. If he finds out some other way—and knowing Gleb, he will find out—it could get ugly.

Still, I dread what he might think when he learns the truth.

My greatest fear is that he might never forgive me.

It might already be too late.

Resting his forehead against mine, Gleb closes his eyes as he holds me. The intimate gesture is staggeringly vulnerable. And it moves me to the brink of tears.

A muffled knock sounds from the other room, shattering our moment. And Gleb pulls away after pressing one swift kiss to my forehead. Scooping Gabby into my arms, I follow him. But this time, I stay in the hallway, ready to run if it turns out to be another of Vinny’s men.

Gleb opens the door more carefully, his body tensed and ready for anything. But when Lev and Denka appear at the threshold, he relaxes and steps back to let them in.

“I’ll let you know when I’m on my way back,” Gleb says. “It’s been quiet today, but with two of you here, it wouldn’t hurt to do a few rounds. Get better eyes on the perimeter and be more prepared for anyone coming.”

“Sure, bratok,” Lev confirms, inclining his head.

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