Page 49 of Twisted Princess

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“That’s not fair. You don’t have the right to think you’re the only one who worries. I spent the whole day terrified that you wouldn’t come back. That I would be responsible for your death—” I choke on those last words, the thought so painful, I can’t catch my breath.

The surprise in Gleb’s eyes makes me think the possibility hadn’t even crossed his mind. And suddenly, I can’t hold the tears back any longer.

“How could you possibly be responsible for my death?” he asks.

“Because I asked you to come back for me!” I sob softly. “Every day you’re with me, trying to protect me, I put you in danger. And I can’t—I can’t stand the thought of you d-dying. I don’t know that I could live with myself… live without you.”

Remorse flashes across Gleb’s face, wiping away the guarded tension, and he closes the distance between us in an instant. One arm wraps around my waist, his other hand cupping my chin. “I’m fine, Mel. I’m right here,” he assures me softly.

And he brings his lips to mine with such tender passion that it steals my breath away.

My fists leave my hips, coming up to pound against his chest because I’m not done fighting. I’m overflowing with such intense fear, that it’s transitioned into unbridled anger. And I don’t know how to manage it.

Normally, when I resist, Gleb lets me go.

He doesn’t question the signals I give him—if anything, he interprets too many of them as if I’m telling him no.

But not tonight.

Though I push against his chest, my tears coming harder as my body searches for a way to release all that pent-up stress, Gleb holds me closer.

He doesn’t want to fight.

But he’s not willing to let me put space between us.

And with an intense rush of emotion, I realize I don’t want to either.

My resistance grows weaker, my fingers fisting in his shirt as my attempt to shove him away transitions into me, pulling him closer. I release a shuddering breath—and give in to my desire. When my lips part, his tongue delves between them.

The hand that held my chin combs into my hair, and Gleb cradles the back of my head as he deepens the kiss. A strangled moan vibrates from my core as the heat in my body transitions from fury to ravenous hunger.

My hands slowly slide up his chiseled chest, and I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my breasts firmly against him until I can feel his heart. It beats with mine, strong and sure and so blessedly alive.

“God, you drive me crazy,” I whisper, the tears still flowing down my cheeks.

“I’m sorry,” he breathes.

I don’t know that two such simple words have ever sounded so sweet.

And I don’t know if he’s apologizing for leaving me to worry or for driving me crazy. Honestly, I don’t care. Because it feels so good to know he’s fighting for this—for us—nothing else matters.

If this is the way he wants to fight, I’m all for it.

And as my sobs subside, the salty trail of my tears starts to dry.

Gleb slowly steers me backward, and my heart skips a beat to think he might be taking me to his bedroom. My head is swimming from all the emotions, my body humming with need. And when my back finds the front door unexpectedly, I gasp.

A second later, Gleb locks the door audibly behind me.

“Does that mean things didn’t work out with Vinny?” I breathe, my pulse fluttering nervously.

“He’s not coming back,” Gleb promises, his voice so intense it startles me. And for a fleeting moment, I wonder if he didn’t kill Vincent Kelly. “But just to be safe,” he adds.

And then he presses his body against the length of mine.

It makes me shudder, the feeling of being pinned in place. But with Gleb, I want it. I want him closer—even now.

His hands slide slowly up my sides, feeling my curves as his lips continue to devour me. And when he reaches my arms, he slowly glides them over my head. My breath hitches as he stretches me to my full length, trapping me against the hard door.

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