Page 48 of Twisted Princess

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He could be tied to a chair, being tortured. Meanwhile, I’m just stuck here, useless, while he suffers. It feels wrong of me to only have half a thought for Lev, who I appreciate more than I can say for all he’s done for me—and Gleb.

But all I can think about is how Gleb and I left things this morning.

By the time Gabby and I left the bedroom, Miko, Gleb, and Lev were gone. The sight of Gleb’s brother dead on the floor was nothing more than a stain on my memory. I didn’t have the chance to say goodbye, and Gleb didn’t come into our room to try.

Gabby and I spent the better part of the day in the car with Denka, driving to a small cabin deep in the woods. And when we finally heard from Gleb, I was already half out of my mind with worry. Then there was the whole drive back—me picturing horrible, graphic images of Gleb injured even worse.

I thought maybe he would be home right behind us. But no. I had time to feed Gabby, give her a bath, and put her to bed. And still no Gleb. I even cleaned up our breakfast—the beautiful meal he cooked that sat out on the table all day.

Now, I can do nothing but wait.

And the waiting is agony.

After what must be an eternity, the deadbolt on the door clicks open. Despite my anticipation, the sound makes my heart stop, and my stomach plummet.

And for all the patient calm that Denka has exuded since he brought us home, his cover is blown in an instant—when his hand goes to his gun. His eyes focus on the front door, intent to identify the threat before it has a chance to enter the apartment.

I freeze in my tracks, ice-cold fear trickling into my veins. I hold my breath. What if it isn’t Gleb?

I don’t think I could handle it because that would mean he’s dead.

Please, god, be him. Please let him be okay.

He gave Denka no specifics when he told my temporary bodyguard to bring me home. Which left my imagination to run rampant on me until I’m on the brink of insanity.

The door swings open.

And the air rushes from my lungs as Gleb steps across the threshold.

He looks exhausted. His crew cut a mess of tangles that stick up in disarray. And yet, somehow, he’s never looked more godlike.

I vaguely register that Lev looks perfectly intact behind him.

But I can’t take my eyes off the tall, green-eyed man who stalks through the doorway with that lithe gait that makes him look like a panther on the prowl.

His eyes find mine before he’s even fully entered the room, and my heart skips a beat.

“Hey,” he says gently. Even his voice sounds tired.

And all at once, my stress comes crashing down on me. Rather than the relief I so desperately need, suddenly, all I feel is fury. “Hey? That’s all you have to say to me?” I demand, my voice shaking with rage.

Still, I keep it to a hushed hiss to avoid waking Gabby. The last thing she needs is to hear us fight again.

Lev and Denka share a look behind Gleb’s back, and they wordlessly slink from the room. I should take the time to thank them. They spent their entire day helping Gleb protect me. But they’re gone before I can finish that thought.

The subject of my anger cocks his head minutely as he tracks the sound of the door clicking closed behind them, signaling their exit. But his eyes never leave me. And he keeps his distance, his muscles tensed, as if ready for another brawl. “What do you want me to say, Mel?” he asks calmly, taking a slow step forward.

“I don’t know. Maybe that you’re sorry?”

“Sorry for what?”

Heart battering against my ribs to have its chance at kicking his ass, it drives me across the space that separates us. Planting my hands on my hips, I glare up at Gleb, knowing perfectly well that I’m not in my rational mind right now. “I was starting to think I could trust you. You told me to talk to you, that we could figure things out together if I would communicate. But when the opportunity presented itself, you gave me no choice, no freedom. I told you how much that bothers me!” I whisper yell, the tears stinging the backs of my eyes, threatening to come out.

“You’re perfectly free,” Gleb says rationally. “Free to hate me for my decision, free to leave once I’m confident the danger is past and the Kellys are gone for good. But I wasn’t about to discuss a plan that would put you in greater danger when you have no means of protecting yourself. I was created to deal with this kind of situation, Mel. I’ve trained for it from the moment I could walk. So don’t pretend like I took your choice away. This is how it had to be.”

“But you wouldn’t even talk to me about it!” I hiss.

“There was nothing to talk about. You need to start thinking more about your daughter and your own safety and less about how I chose to handle things.”

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