Page 106 of Twisted Princess

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“I missed you,” I murmur, even if it might sound silly after we spent the whole day together.

“I’m right here, bozhestvennaya boginya,” he assures me, lifting his head from the mattress to kiss me with staggering tenderness.

“What does that mean?” I ask as his hands start to explore me more intimately, as if he intends to memorize every inch of my body all over again.

“You really want to know?” he teases, his eyes glinting in the soft moonlight that trickles through the window.

“What? Have you been calling me something terrible this whole time?” I gasp, sitting up abruptly so I’m straddling his lean, muscular body and looking down on him.

“That depends,” he teases, sitting up to close the distance between us.

And goosebumps race up my spine as his fingers slip beneath the hem of my shirt, gliding with tantalizing softness along my skin.

“On what?” I breathe, combing my fingers into his hair.

“How terrible is a divine goddess?”

Heat radiates through my core at Gleb’s term of endearment for me. And I reward him with another deep, lingering kiss. “That depends on how devoted her followers are,” I murmur, rolling my hips against his hard length.

“I would follow you anywhere,” he promises, his hands running down my back once more to grasp my ass and pull me closer still.

I gasp, then a playful smile stretches across my lips. “I think I’ve tested that as far as I’m willing to,” I tease.

Gleb’s rumbling growl sends jolts of anticipation through my core. Eager for more of him, I reach down and pull my shirt over my head in one fluid motion. And as I toss it aside, he adjusts his grip to palm one of my bare breasts.

“No more running,” he commands, trailing kisses down my chest until his lips find my nipple.

And as he sucks the hard pebble into his warm mouth, I groan.

“No more running,” I agree breathily. Then, my back arches as the pleasure builds to an almost unbearable sense of yearning.

“I need you, Gleb,” I beg, rolling my hips again to show him exactly what I mean.

With an animalistic snarl, he locks one arm around my waist and pivots, bringing us into the center of the bed. My head falls softly on a pillow. And as I work to pull his soft T-shirt up over his head, Gleb goes to work on my shorts. His joggers come off a moment later, and then nothing stands between us.

Heat builds to an inferno deep in my core. My breaths come quickly now as he settles between my thighs. And the weight of his body on mine brings a sense of relief I never imagined I would find beneath a man. But with Gleb, I never feel trapped. I’m always safe.

His silken head slides between my slick fold to find my entrance, and Gleb releases an agonized groan. “You’re so wet, moya boginya,” he growls.

“I’ve been thinking about that kiss all day, too,” I murmur in his ear, then I lightly trap his lobe between my teeth.

“Fuck, I love you,” he rasps, and at the same time, he presses inside me.

Intense relief floods me as the building need is met with tingling euphoria. And hearing those three words melts me into a puddle. “God, I love you too,” I moan. My hands move from his hair and down his chest, grazing over the bandage that covers his stitches, until I can grab his ass. And I greedily pull him inside me to the hilt.

Gleb grunts as I gasp with bliss that radiates through me at the utter fullness. Being one with the man I love is such an incredible feeling. And as he rocks inside me, grinding forward against my clit at the same time, I’m overwhelmed by just how good it feels.

Nothing stands between us anymore.

All our doubts and hidden truths are out in the open—swept away by the wind.

It’s just me and Gleb and this astonishing intimacy that feels more erotic than anything else I’ve ever known.

He’s so gentle, his lips worshiping mine, his hands caressing me. And I’m overcome by just how kind and loving Gleb can be. He says he’s a broken person, someone who struggles with his emotions, but what I see is a man capable of being vulnerable—who’s willing to be so to prove his love for me. And without fail, he shows how much he cares every time he touches me.

I never dreamed I would find a good man. A man I could trust with my life, my freedom. But with Gleb, I want to take the chance because he’s fought for me from the very beginning. Even when I ran, he saved me without fail—without a second thought for his own survival.

He’s brave and strong and fierce, and at the same time, he has the softest, most enticing touch. Every inch of him feels like it was made out of steel, and yet he’s so careful not to hurt me.

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