Page 15 of Chosen

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“If it’s what you want…,” Sam murmured. “I mean, it would be nice to have someone protect me from the storm…”

“I don’t know if my powers are that strong.” I chuckled again as I gently pulled Sam onto the bed, not stopping until he was resting beside me. “But I’d be happy to try.”

I leaned back against the mattress and pulled Sam toward my side. Soon enough, his head was resting on my chest, one of his hands still intertwined with mine.

“Goodnight, Sam. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“See you in the morning, Damon,” Sam replied, his voice low and filled with sleep. A moment or two later he was gone, unconscious and unaware.

And then, I joined him, my own mind drifting off to sleep as thoughts of Sam ran through my head, my brain trying to fit all the pieces together…

Trying to figure out what was supposed to come next.



It was still raining.

How was it still raining?

Maybe this was all a dream.

It was a distinct possibility, after all. There was no way that Damon had actually hooked up with me after dinner last night, that we’d somehow found our way back to the cabin bedroom. As I listened to the sound of raindrops hitting the roof, with a soft roll of thunder somewhere overhead, I let my eyes drift toward the floor.

How much wine did I drink last night?

Would it have been enough to hallucinate one of the best nights of my entire life?

My brain went back and forth between dream and hallucination, exchanging one impossibility for another—

Until I felt one of Damon’s arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me close to his chest.

Oh, my God.

It was real?!

My heart started to race so fast I worried that it would cut out at any second. I mentally retraced our night together, replaying memories: the magical shop, the even more magical dinner, the way Damon kissed me for the first time…

I smiled to myself as I remembered it, each memory flooding back through my brain in the very best way. Everything about Damon was so confident, like he’d done this a million times before, like he knew exactly how to drive me wild—

What if it was all an act?

Suddenly, it felt like there was a lead weight in my stomach. It hadn’t occurred to me that maybe Damon’s whole I-never-sleep-with-guests moral stance was just some kind of routine, something that made him seem moral which only made him more attractive, which only made people like me fall for him even harder—


Damon wasn’t pretending last night. Not with me.

Deep down, I somehow knew it was something he’d just never do.

I was spiraling. I just needed to get myself together so I could think.

I shifted away from Damon, prepared to get off the mattress, pace around the cabin, and collect my thoughts. But my attempt to move away from him was met with him pulling me even closer, his arm casually locking around my waist. Soon, I felt his mouth near my neck, his lips planting small kisses all down my skin.

I couldn’t help but grin at the motion, pushing myself back against his grip.

“Good morning to you, too,” I murmured.

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