Page 67 of Sovereign Oaths

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“I’m not picking.”

Em fisted the sheets and pulled them up to her chin. Cruz chuckled from her other side as he rested on his elbow.

“You have to.”

“No, it’s stupid.” She glared at me. “You shouldn’t have even asked.”

“Come on. It shouldn’t be that hard,” I teased.

She closed her eyes and sighed. “You can’t make me choose.”

I nodded. “Gun loaded and aimed. You have three seconds.”

“Three,” Cruz started counting down. “Two…”

“Ah, fuck!” She covered her face. “Javi!”

“Ha!” I pointed at Cruz. “I knew it.”

“Marco’s going to be so pissed.”

Cruz was already rolling over to get up to rub it in his face.

“No!” Her arm snapped out and caught him. “Don’t you dare! You guys swore nothing leaves this room.”

The door swung open with a beaming Javi and a very annoyed Marco stepping in.

“What do I do wrong?” Marco crossed his arms.

“Nothing!” She sat up, bringing the sheet with her to cover her bare chest as if modesty still existed in this apartment.

We’d spent the last few days in various levels of undress. Sleeping, eating, watching movies, and fucking.

It was glorious.

Giving Dias time alone meant him digging himself further into messes and giving us a much-needed break.

“Then why did you pick Javi?” Marco demanded.

“Cause I’m better.” Javi winked.

She rolled her eyes. “No, he just puts in a bit more sweet cream.”

“That’s it? Why haven’t you told me you prefer more?”

She shrugged. “’Cause you were doing something nice for me. I didn’t want to seem ungrateful.”

Marco turned to Javi. “Did you ask? How did you know?”

“Look at her.” Javi waved his hand toward her. “She’s not the black coffee type.”

Em straightened. “Excuse me. I resent that.”

“But it’s true.” Cruz laughed. “When you and I make ours in the morning, you pour like a cup of sweet cream in, and if no one else is around, you add in caramel syrup like you’re smuggling drugs.”

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