Page 66 of Sovereign Oaths

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He shot me a glare before going to Em. She stepped out of Javi’s arms and sighed as she rested her head against Cruz’s chest.

“I missed you too,” she whispered before looking up at him and waiting.

He grinned and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. I expected them to separate so we could catch up, but he kept his arms locked around her.

“You okay?” Javi asked.

It was an oversimplified way of asking her for an update on the past several days. I doubted it was a word she would use to describe herself right now. Were any of us okay?

“I’m frustrated and tired and annoyed and sick of playing stupid and two seconds away from shoving him off a tall building, but yeah. I’m okay.”

I let out a low laugh. “No killing him yet.”

She rolled her eyes, still leaning into Cruz. “Fine.”

“How did your talk go?” Javi asked, and she brightened.

“Better than expected. He believed me when I said I had work to catch up on. So I pushed it and told him we need to figure out how to balance our lives better, treat this like the real thing rather than hiding out at his house.”

“How did he react?” I asked.

“He seemed a little relieved. He’s probably dying to get back to work.” She smirked. “I can interrupt him as needed.”

Cruz laughed. “Evil temptress.”

She grinned up at him.

“How’s Ama?” Cruz asked.

“Fine.” Her shoulders sagged. “Acting like it never even happened, which means either it has before or she’s been told to carry on like things are normal.”

“Both probably,” I added.

“Which means Dias knows he’s being watched.” Javi stared out the tall windows. “But by who?”

“He’s still suspicious of Brazzi, but the gang is his top priority right now. He’s trying to smooth things over.”

“Well, they got their revenge the other night,” Derek said. “The missing delivery went to one of Michael’s shops on the west side.”

“Weapons or drugs?” she asked.

“Drugs,” Cruz answered.

She scrunched her nose. “His men won’t like that.”

“Word spread pretty fast. Seems to be the last straw for a lot of them. According to my last call, word is going around of who should replace him.”

“Any names coming up?” Javi asked.

“None they can agree on. It’s split between men who want to take control, men who want Dias to pull his head out of his ass, and men who might make a good leader but aren’t interested in having the target placed on their backs.”

“I can’t imagine wanting to step into Dias’s shoes right now.” I blew out a breath, “He’s making things messier than we are.”

Javi smiled at Em. “Should we start calling you Helen of Miami?”

She scoffed. “You give me too much credit. A better leader wouldn’t be in this position in the first place. His father should have taken more time to train him.”

Unfortunately for them, that didn’t happen, and now he was running out of time.

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