Page 47 of Sovereign Oaths

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“You don’t like personal information to be available?” he tried.

“But suddenly I changed my mind today?” I turned and dropped my legs so we were almost knee to knee. “It would make more sense if I didn’t change it.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose and picked up his phone, tapping it twice before staring at me. It rang over the speaker and Cruz answered.


“Undo the changes. Em made a good point.”

“But I thought––”

“Just trust us.”

Cruz sighed. “Fine.”

“Thanks,” I offered.

“Oh, hey, Em.” He suddenly perked up. “This is your idea?”

“Yeah?” I raised a brow at Marco.

“She pointed out that if we leave it in May, she can say she doesn’t like to give out personal information and made up a date. It’s too hard to explain the change.”

“Got it.” The sound of typing came from his end. “It doesn’t look like anyone’s seen it anyway.” More typing. “All right, it’s back.”

“Thanks, Cruz.”

“Sorry. We didn’t think it through or talk to you first,” he said. “We should know better.”

“Yes, you should,” I teased.

“Okay, she’s got to call Dias now,” Marco said before ending the call.

“And say what?” I leaned back to grab my phone.

“Ask if he’ll be around on Thursday night. When he asks why, mention it’s your birthday and you want to spend it with him. Tell him you don’t feel like a night in. You want to dance, and mention that someone recommended a new club with a good DJ.”

I scrunched my nose. “I’m not the dancing type.”

“You are on your birthday.” He looked down at his phone and found something before showing me the screen. “You want to go here.”

I read the name, but it didn’t sound familiar. “What is it? One of Brazzi’s?”

“No, it’s owned by a local gang. They just happen to be his number one rival.”

“Worse than Brazzi?”

“Well, those two are beyond rivals and into enemy territory. So far, tensions haven’t boiled over to action between the gang and Dias’s business.”

“Yet.” I understood. “But we can push things by showing up.”

“And him requesting VIP access.”

Would this really be enough to cause a disruption? It felt more like a potentially awkward situation than a way to cause instability within Alessio’s men.

“What do you think?” he asked.

If this was what the team came up with, then that’s what we’d do. “I’ll do it.”

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