Page 46 of Sovereign Oaths

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“He might not have said it yet, but I know my brother. He’s completely different with you.”

He told me he did, but I didn’t believe him. I wasn’t sure a man like him could feel real love. Obsession? Sure. I was a prize. Something pretty to show off. I was his perfect woman, only because it was my job to be exactly that.

“We’ve only been dating for a few weeks,” I protested. “We’re still getting to know each other.”

Marco looked at his phone and hopped up, moving around the edge to the far side of the pool before answering.

“But you see him, Millie. That’s something he’s never had before.”

“What do you mean?”

“From the very beginning, when you blew him off at the gala and ignored Brazzi, you showed him you don’t care about the public persona or what he can offer you. You’re not chasing him for his money or clout.”

“That’s because I don’t want it.”

“Exactly!” She laughed. “You’re more alike than different. He sees you as more than your family or money.”

I closed my eyes. Yeah, my backstory was written just for him, to make us the perfect couple.

“That’s true,” I admitted.

“You’re the closest he’s ever come to finding an equal, and because of that, your relationship is real. The typical obstacles don’t matter.”

I blew out a breath. “You’re right.”

“I know I am.”

I could picture her smiling with that knowing glint she was so good at. “I really miss you.”

“Me too. I’ve got to run, but I’m glad we got to talk. Bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up.

Marco paced a few feet away until he noticed I was off the phone and came back to his seat.

“Okay, I’ll let her know.” He tapped the screen and turned to me. “We need to push him.”


“Yeah, the gamma team watching his warehouses reported more frequent shipments. He’s preparing for something, and we need to distract him, pull his attention away from his plans and back on you.”

I cocked a brow. “Any ideas how?”

He smirked. “Your birthday.”

“Is in May,” I finished.

“Is this week,” he corrected.

“No, it’s not.” The file stated May seventh, and it was listed on Millie’s social media accounts.

“It’s been changed and updated everywhere.”

I let out a laugh. “You can’t retroactively change it though. What if he or Ama already saw and took note?”

“Then you say that you put that because of a creepy ex or something.”

“That makes no sense,” I deadpanned.

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