Page 29 of Sovereign Oaths

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“What?” I asked.

She looked at me and Derek. “Just thinking about how well trained I have you guys.”

Derek shook his head but didn’t protest. “We’ve come so far since the first day you arrived. Not a single pizza box or beer can in sight.”

She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Good boy.”



“He’s welcome to join us in the VIP area, but I promise I have more than enough guards in place.”

Alessio pointed over his shoulder as if I wasn’t aware of the burly employees following us as he attempted for the third time to shake off Derek. Eventually, he’d learn I wasn’t caving. No chance.

“I feel better having him close.” I smiled as if his suggestion had been just that and not a thinly veiled order. I wasn’t one of his men he could boss around. I was getting my way, or I was gone.

“Very well.” He led me to an empty red velvet couch with a gold reserved sign on the table. I slid in while taking note of the surrounding faces. With Ama gone, I didn’t have anyone to look forward to seeing.

At least I got to wear my kick-ass dress and take it for a test run. I walked around the apartment with my garter belt holder, and none of the guys could tell. Plus, it was so easy to slip out my knife. I couldn’t wait for a normal mission.

That was an odd thought. I’d been so bored, seeking anything new, and here I was wishing for the old.

“What would you like to drink?” Alessio dipped close enough for me to hear over the music.

“Do they have a specialty?”

He grinned. “Not yet. We’ve only been open for a few weeks, and the head bartender hasn’t found the inspiration he’s been seeking yet. Do you have a recommendation?”

I looked around the dark room decorated in typical Miami art deco fashion, with gold patterned trimmings, chandeliers, and waiters wearing loose black pants, bow ties, and vests or suspenders over their white button-downs. The new place was much quieter, with a more sophisticated ambiance than the last club.

“A sidecar seems fitting.”

He grinned. “I agree. I’m glad the theme is clear. We didn’t want to lean too far into the speakeasy vibe. There are already a few in the area, but we wanted to play up the existing architecture.”

“So this is another of your businesses?” There was no point in playing disinterested or oblivious anymore. I was his supportive girlfriend taking an interest in all aspects of his life.

“Yeah, but I’m more of a silent partner in this one. It’s a friend of mine’s dream, so I just backed him.”

“He’s lucky it already fits in your portfolio.” I cringed internally.

Why was I having such a hard time being normal around him? This conversation felt like forced small talk I’d have with a stranger on a plane.

This man had seen parts of me I never revealed to anyone. Yes, it was fake, but my vulnerability with him wasn’t. I needed to let down my guard to be with him.

Hell, there wasn’t an inch of me he hadn’t seen or touched. So what was wrong with me?

Was it knowing Derek was over my shoulder watching and Marco was listening? Probably, but not completely.

The fragile trust I built with Alessio shattered that night in Cuba. Not when he hadn’t immediately believed me when I’d said I’d heard something. He’d been half-asleep and had every reason to believe his guards could handle any threat.

It wasn’t even being locked in the panic room with his mom. That’d been the safest place for me, and I understood better than most what a distraction worrying about someone else could be.

No, it was the moment he’d lied to me about taking me to Miami.

He took away my choice. My freedom. It didn’t matter that he’d thought it was best. He never should have crossed that line.

Not to mention taking me directly into Velez territory… No. I cut myself off from making excuses. He didn’t know going to Mexico was the last place I wanted to be, but it could have been Louisiana or the Bahamas, even Orlando. I would have been just as livid.

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