Page 28 of Sovereign Oaths

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She lifted to her toes and quickly kissed him. He closed his eyes and nodded.

“I know.”

I didn’t envy him. I wasn’t sure I could stay in control if I had to see her with Dias all day…and night.

“It’s not like Dias could have said no to you. He didn’t really have a leg to stand on,” Cruz grumbled.

“He didn’t bother arguing. I said his men have proven to be incompetent time and time again, and I was either leaving for good or bringing my own security.”

“That leaves an opening for us to come in if needed as well,” Javi replied with a smile.

While she finished catching them up, Cruz passed out the plates, and Marco poured five glasses of wine. The seamless way we moved around one another, anticipating the others without having to speak, was as normal as breathing for us. Em stepped in, handing out the glasses with napkins under each. She was a new addition, but it worked without us having to adjust.

She belonged with us.

I’d known for the past few weeks, but watching each of them fall apart when we had to leave her in danger was the final nail.

We loved her. We were falling in love with her. The five of us fit in a way I never allowed myself to imagine. Men like us, abandoned pups with no one to guide or fight for us, didn’t have the happy endings others in the Pack found. We were the misfits, the rejects who were incredibly lucky to have one another.

But being on our own wasn’t enough anymore.The memories of our old life were in black and white, while being with Em was full color.

How could any of us go back home and pretend like this mission hadn’t changed everything?

“Boss?” Derek nudged my shoulder.

I blinked. “Huh?”

“We were discussing tomorrow night. I’m still on guard duty, but we should think about keeping a second close from now on.”

“The two of us should be enough,” Em mumbled with her mouth full before stuffing in another forkful.

I suppressed a laugh. Her enjoying my cooking was such a simple thing that brought me so much joy. She didn’t need to rave or compliment me. The way she devoured it was better. Warmth filled my chest, pathetic sap that I was.

“From now on, you’ll be in the same room, always within eyeline.” I turned to Marco. “You’ll be on feeds. Cruz will be outside as backup. I’ll be on location, overseeing the beta team.”

“Do you know which club he’s taking me to?” she asked between bites.

“He said it just finished the remodel.” Cruz reached for his phone and tapped the screen.

“The dress is pretty fancy. I hope he isn’t setting me up to be overdressed.” She lifted her glass to her lips and took a long drink.

“One of his top guys mentioned a party three days ago on the feeds.” Derek put his phone onto the counter and slid it so Em could see the video.

The conversation was quiet, but I vaguely recognized the man talking about a twenties theme.

Marco shrugged. “That could be it. I’ll let you know if he sends any texts or emails about it.”

“Thanks.” Em finished her wine, and Derek refilled her glass before she had a chance to ask. “You’re wonderful.”

She smiled at him with the same love and admiration he felt for her.

I wanted to freeze moments like this or find a way to block out the rest of the world and the passage of time so we could enjoy them for as long as we wanted.

“Shit.” Marco jumped up from his stool. “Beta’s leader is calling.”

He rushed back to the surveillance room, and Cruz quickly finished off his food before taking his and Marco’s plates to the sink and rinsing them off. He loaded them into the dishwasher and then hurried to follow.

Em watched it all with a smirk.

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