Page 39 of Abandoned Oaths

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“Fuck,” Marco blurted. “The boat is here. We need to go.”

“Come on.” Javier tapped on my shoulder and gestured for me to follow him to the far hall.

We went into the surveillance room, and he squatted in front of the safe I noticed when he first showed me this room. He scanned his thumb, and the door opened. He moved things around before standing up and holding out two slim boxes.

I eyed them. “Really? Jewelry? You think shiny things will make me forget about the colossal shit show you're running?”

He closed his eyes and sighed. “We’ll fix it. I swear. Just get through this. Make contact and get out. We’ll figure out the rest after.”

Easy for him to say. He was standing at the back door, out of danger, all night.

I couldn’t do anything about their lack of preparation right now. I had to get into heiress mode, so I took the larger box and opened it, revealing a sparkling necklace. Dozens of pear-shaped diamonds lined each side before dipping down into a cluster that would point down to my cleavage.

A gasp slipped from my lips. “It’s stunning.”

Fuck. I was supposed to be pissed, but it really was incredible. A tiny, stupid part of me had to appreciate the beauty.

“Here.” He sat the other box on a desk and carefully removed the necklace, then stepped around to my back. I lifted my hair, and he reached out, gently laying the cold jewels on my skin.

When he faced me, his eyes locked on my neckline. “Wow.”

I was dying to find a mirror, but before I could, he opened the second box. Matching earrings glittered up at me. I picked out one and slipped it on before taking the other.

He was staring at me like he wanted to say something. His eyes held mine with a silent plea I couldn’t decipher.

Before this moment could turn awkward, I spun and went to my bathroom and covered my mouth. I’d worn designer jewels and clothing for years, but never had I felt like I belonged in them.

I took a step back and admired myself.

For once, I wasn’t the runt of my family. I wasn’t the weirdo who didn’t fit in. I wasn’t the trained assassin.

I was beautiful.

I was confident. Powerful. An heiress with nothing to prove.

“Ready?” Cruz was waiting in the bedroom with a coat in his hands.

My eyes swept over him, and I tried not to drool. What was it with men in tuxes? They should be outlawed.

“Yeah.” I reached for my heels on the bed, but he stopped me.

“You should wear these.” He pointed to a pair of slip-on leather shoes. “They’re boat shoes. I didn’t want you to slip.”

So he got me special boating shoes?

Stupid boy with that stupid, shy smile.

“Thanks.” Of course they fit perfectly.

“And I thought this would protect your hair from the wind.” He held up the windbreaker.

I wanted to protest. I wasn’t used to having someone else care for me or think ahead like this.

“Thank you.”

He nodded, then grabbed my heels. “I’ll carry these.”

I started to leave when he cleared his throat. “You look absolutely stunning. You’ll have no problem gaining his attention. He’d have to be blind not to notice you, and dead to not want to talk to you.”

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