Page 73 of Sinister Lies

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About ten or eleven women stand in a cell with the door open at the far end, each displaying varying eagerness.

And in the center of the room is a bed.

This is going to be fun.

I spot Dimitry at the far end of the room, speaking with a tall guy wearing an ivory mask. He glances over and gives us a thin smile.

I stand straight, tilting my chin. I want him to see that I’m not intimidated. This is my moment. These are my people now—all these masked men united by a hunger for more—for power, influence, and domination.

Soon, I’ll take my place among them. But first, we must get through this initiation. I squeeze Camila’s hand, feeling a small tDanter run through her. Whether it’s fear or anticipation, I don’t know. But I know one thing for certain: nothing will ever be the same again after tonight.

I stand tall as Dimitry’s voice booms through the open space, commanding everyone’s attention. His piercing eyes scan the room before settling on Camila.

“You,” he points. “Join the other girls in the cell.”

Camila hesitates, uncertainty written across her delicate features. I give her a subtle nod, urging her forward. This is all part of the plan.

She reluctantly leaves my side, crossing the room to stand among the other female initiates. I watch as she gravitates toward Lucia, surprise flashing in her eyes. My lips curl into a knowing smirk beneath my mask. Of course, her friends would be here too.

Camila exchanges hushed words with Lucia, Maeve, and Emily, no doubt coming to the same realization. I can envision the gears turning in her pretty little head as she tries to make sense of it all.

I chuckle under my breath. If only our bookworm knew the depraved acts her sweet friends have probably already committed in service of their masters.

I stand at attention, watching Dimitry intently as he paces before us. His black cloak billows behind him, and the flickering candlelight casts his angular features in dramatic shadow.

“You all wish to join the Nexus,” he states, his voice low but carrying through the expansive room. “You wish to share in the power and influence we offer. But trust must be earned.”

He stops and turns to face us. “Each of you has brought an offering. A token of your obedience and willingness to serve our cause.” His icy gaze sweeps over the huddled group of girls.

“To prove your worth, you must demonstrate total domination over your slave. She must be completely obedient and subservient to your desires.” A cruel smile twists his lips. “Those who fail this test will face consequences.”

“The Barone boys can go first since they were the last to arrive,” Dimitry announces, staring at me. He thinks it’s a punishment, but I love going first, setting the mood. “Go and collect your girl and shut the door to the cell.”

I walk over to the cell and grab Camila roughly, eliciting a small yelp as I lift her petite frame onto my shoulder. Slamming the door shut, the girls are locked away so they can’t see or hear what is to come.

Elio watches with dark eyes as I carry her to the bed and deposit her there. My pulse races with anticipation. This is our chance to prove ourselves to Dimitry and secure our place among the elite members of Nexus.

Elio wastes no time, his nimble fingers finding the zipper at the back of Camila’s dress. He drags it down swiftly, the rasping sound loud in the hushed room. Camila squirms as he peels the fabric from her body, baring more and more of her silky skin. She whimpers, fruitlessly trying to cover herself, but we’ve only just begun. This is about total domination.

As Elio finishes stripping Camila, Dante steps forward, clutching a set of iron shackles. He secures her wrists to the headboard, stretching her arms above her head. The chains rattle loudly, reinforcing her helplessness. She tests the bonds briefly before going still, resignation and unease on her face.

I circle the bed slowly, drinking in the sight of Camila splayed out before us. Dante and Elio mirror me, our footfalls perfectly in sync as we stalk our prey. Despite her apprehension, I detect a hint of arousal, her body responding to being desired and dominated so completely. We will draw that out, awaken passions she never knew she harbored.

Elio trails a single finger down the valley between Camila’s breasts, and she arches into the caress despite herself. His touch elicits a soft moan, the first cracks forming in her composure. Dante moves between her legs, parting her thighs as she squirms. He inhales deeply, savoring her feminine scent.

“Please...” she whispers uncertainly. I smirk, grabbing her chin.

“We’re only just getting started, little bookworm.”

My words spark equal parts fear and anticipation in her eyes. She came here tonight willing to surrender control and to be used for our pleasure. And we plan on taking full advantage.

I nod to Dante and Elio, our silent communication flawless after years together. We will dominate her completely, awaken the whore within. By the time we’re through, she’ll be begging for more.

Camila is ours now, in body and soul. This is just the beginning of what we have in store for our sweet little toy.



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