Page 72 of Sinister Lies

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Only I seem troubled by the shift in Camila’s eyes, the part of her that’s slipping away with each depraved act. She’s given herself over completely, allowing us to use her body however we wish. I know I should stop this, but the temptation is too great.

I can’t wait for tomorrow, to present her to the Nexus and claim what is ours. But even as excitement courses through me, a sliver of doubt remains. Wondering if we’ve damned ourselves in the process of getting everything we ever wanted.

My thoughts churn, but I stay silent. Simply watching as Elio and Renzo kiss Camila like hungry animals ready for more. Tomorrow will change everything, for better or worse. All I can do now is brace myself and hope there are no regrets.



Ipace the living room. My boots thud heavily against the hardwood floors, echoing in the tense silence.

Camila sits curled up on the couch, her eyes tracking my every movement. She’s seen me wear this mask before. The black half-tactical mask with the grill over my mouth. I was wearing it the first time I popped her anal cherry. Just thinking about that night gets me excited.

I glance over at the two masks waiting on the sofa beside Camila. These are the ones I picked out for Elio and Dante to wear to the initiation ceDanteny tonight.

I pick up the first mask, turning it over in my hands. It’s an elegant black and gold masquerade mask with intricate filigree patterns swirling across the surface. I chose this one for my brother Elio. The gilded edges and refined style suit his cultured tastes. Though we come from a family of criminals, Elio has always appreciated the finer things. This mask reflects that.

I place Elio’s mask aside and grab the second one. This one is for Dante. It’s a black tactical mask, much like my own, but full face. The sleek, angular design and built-in voice modulator will disguise Dante’s identity at tonight’s initiation ceDanteny. I know Dante prefers to operate from the shadows. He doesn’t have Elio’s flair for the dramatic or my craving for notoriety. This mask will allow Dante to become someone else entirely. Just another nameless, faceless soldier.

I set Dante’s mask down next to Elio’s, satisfied with my choices. These masks will serve their purpose at the initiation ceDanteny, helping us secure more power and territory for the family business. Elio, Dante, and I each play our roles. Behind these masks, we’re not brothers but soldiers. Unfeeling, unflinching, ready to sacrifice anything and anyone for the sake of ambition. Even a sweet, innocent girl with no place in our dark world. A pang of regret pierces my chest, but I force it down. Tonight, behind these masks, we are monsters. And monsters show no mercy.

I stop pacing and lean against the wall, flicking my lighter idly. Camila shifts on the couch, looking uneasy. Behind my mask, I give her a wolfish grin.

“Don’t worry, bookworm,” I purr. “You’re going to enjoy what we have in store for you.” I wink.

Where the hell is Elio and Dante? They should’ve been here ten minutes ago.

Finally, I hear the door bang open, and Elio and Dante come stomping in.

“It’s about damn time,” I growl, crossing my arms. “What took you so long?”

Elio shrugs nonchalantly while Dante looks mildly apologetic.

“Doesn’t matter. We’re here now,” Elio says breezily.

I scowl and thrust the masks at them. “Put these on. We need to look the part for this initiation.”

Elio frowns as he takes the mask I selected for him. “Are these really necessary? It seems a bit overdramatic if you ask me.”

I slap the flyer promoting the Nexus initiation into his hand. “It says right here all pledges must wear masks. No exceptions.”

I point at the line emphasizing the mask requirement.

Elio skims it and sighs. “Fine. Rules are rules, I guess.”

He and Dante slip on their masks, adjusting them to fit snugly. I grin, satisfied to see them conforming to the mandated dress code. The girls may not need masks, but we’ll cut an intimidating figure for Dimitry.

“Good. Now, let’s get going. Wouldn’t want to be late for our big debut.”

Elio holds a hand out to Camila, ever the gentleman, even though there’s nothing gentlemanly about any of this.

I lead the way through the darkened campus, the others trailing behind me. People give us strange looks as we pass, no doubt wondering about the masks. I relish the attention. Let them stare and wonder.

We reach the old admin building and slip down the side alley to the basement entrance. A single bulb flickers over the heavy metal door. I tug it open, and we file inside, our footfalls echoing in the concrete stairwell.

We go down and down, the air growing cooler and damper. At the bottom, we emerge into the initiation room. It’s a wide-open space with a concrete floor and rough brick walls. Iron sconces holding fat candles provide the only light.

At least forty guys are already here, all similarly dressed in black and wearing an array of masks. Some are cheap plastic Halloween masks, others intricate Venetian style. A few of the guys nod in our direction as we enter.

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