Page 62 of Sinister Lies

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“What did you tell him?” I ask, dreading the answer.

Renzo shrugs, his eyes darting away from mine. “Nothing yet. Thought I’d check with you first.”

I nod, appreciating the gesture. Ren may be impulsive, but he’s still my brother. We’re in this together.

“We need to get something soon,” I say, my mind racing. “Father’s not going to wait forever.”

“Let me have her tonight. I’ll tie her up, get her needy and introduce her to Soulcarver.” He grins and pulls his knife from his jacket. “She’ll soon tell me all we need to know.”

I feel my blood run cold at Renzo’s words. The mere thought of him alone with Camila restrained and at his mercy makes my stomach turn.

“No,” I say firmly, holding up a hand. “Absolutely not. We’re not resorting to torture.”

Renzo scoffs, his eyes flashing with that familiar, disturbing glint. “Oh, come on, brother. You know it’s not torture; I give pleasure, too.” He winks. “Don’t pretend you’re so noble. We both know this is the fastest way to get our information.”

He paces the room like a caged animal, flipping his favorite knife casually in one hand. I know that wild, reckless energy all too well. Once Renzo gets an idea in his head, he fixates on it totally.

“I’m telling you, one night with my knives and cock, and she’ll sing like a canary,” he continues, an unsettling grin spreading across his face.

I shudder, images of Camila’s bruised and bloodied body flashing through my mind. As much as we need the intel for my father, I can’t let Renzo brutalize her like that. There’s got to be another way.

“Renzo, listen to me,” I say evenly, standing up to meet his gaze. “We’re not going to torture Camila. Do you understand me? She’s been through enough.”

He scoffs again, clearly frustrated by my refusal. “Don’t be so weak, brother. She’s a natural submissive, and the way she took your cock the first time, she craves pain. I know it. Let me bleed her a little and show her how good I can make her feel. Then, she’ll tell us everything.”

I grab Renzo by the shoulders, forcing him to face me. “I said no, and that’s final. We’ll find another way to get the information from her.”

Ren grabs my shoulders and looks into my eyes. “I know you care for her. It’s obvious. And I do, too, man. Believe me, I won’t do anything she doesn’t want. I promise.”

Some girls enjoy Renzo’s brutality in bed, but Camila is different. She’s too innocent and inexperienced. “If you do it, I have to be there.”

His eyes narrow. “You never want to be there when I play with Soulcarver.” He shakes his head. “You don’t have the stomach for it.”

He’s right. Cutting a woman I’m being intimate with has no appeal to me whatsoever. Spanking her, yes. Cutting, no. But I can’t let Ren have free rein without me to protect or save her from him. “It’s the only way this happens. I have to be there.”

Renzo smirks. “Fuck, okay. I think you might change your mind when you see how pretty she is, bleeding with my cock in her cunt.”

My stomach churns. I may love my brother, but I’ll never understand his depravity. “Just make sure you don’t go too far, understood?”

Ren grins manically. “Of course. See you later. I need to prepare.” He walks off and stalks out of the room. Every part of me screams to change my mind. Maybe I should take Camila far away so Ren can’t get to her, but it’s no use.

He’s right. We’re running out of time. If I can’t get Camila to open up soon, Father will take matters into his own hands. And that would be even worse for her. All I can do is be there and pray I haven’t just made a terrible mistake.



Igrip the hilt of my knife, Soulcarver, as I run the blade along the sharpening stone. The metallic scrape sends shivers down my spine. Tonight’s the night. Camila. Sweet, innocent Camila. She has no idea what’s coming.

I can’t help but chuckle darkly as I test the blade’s sharpness against my thumb. A bead of crimson wells up, and I lick it off, savoring the coppery taste. It’s just a small taste of what’s to come.

My thoughts are racing, jumping from one delicious scenario to the next. I imagine Camila’s soft skin yielding under my blade, her screams of pain and pleasure echoing in my ears. I’ll make her beg for more, beg for me to stop until she doesn’t know the difference anymore.

I can barely contain my excitement, setting Soulcarver down and picking up another knife, running my fingers along the serrated edge. Each has a purpose, a special way to make Camila squirm and writhe.

I wonder if she’ll cry when I cut her or if she’ll moan like the little slut I know she is. Maybe I’ll make her lick her own blood off my blade. The thought makes me hard.

I glance at the clock, my leg bouncing impatiently. Just a few more hours until playtime. Until I can make Camila mine in every way possible.

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