Page 61 of Sinister Lies

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She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, considering my question. “I love to read. I can get lost in a good book for hours.”

I tilt my head, intrigued. “Oh yeah? What’s your favorite genre?”

“Classic literature,” she replies, her eyes lighting up. “There’s something so timeless and beautiful about the language and the stories.”

I nod, impressed. “That’s very cultured of you, tesoro. I’m more of a non-fiction guy myself. I like reading about history and politics.”

She raises her eyebrows, surprised. “Really? I wouldn’t have guessed that.”

I shrug, smiling. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me yet. But I’m an open book. All you have to do is ask.”

She returns my smile, her eyes warm and inviting. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

We sit in comfortable silence for a moment, enjoying each other’s company. I can’t help but marvel at how easy it is to talk to my tesoro and how natural it feels to share these little pieces of myself.

“Do you have any other hobbies?” she asks, breaking the silence.

I nod, stretching my legs out in front of me. “I like to work out and stay in shape. It helps me clear my head and stay focused.”

She gives me an appreciative once-over. “I can tell. You look like you take good care of yourself.”

I grin, flexing my bicep playfully. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

She blushes, swatting at my arm. “Stop it, you’re making me self-conscious.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “You have nothing to be self-conscious about. You’re stunning, inside and out.”

As she smiles at me, I can’t help but feel a twinge of something in my chest, a feeling I’m not quite sure how to name.

This girl is supposed to be just a means to an end—a target, a source of information that we need to take down her family’s cartel. But somehow, she’s becoming more than that.

I see the way Elio looks at her and his eyes soften when she’s around. And Renzo, for all his bravado and aggression, I know he’s just as drawn to her as the rest of us.

It’s dangerous, these feelings. In our world, emotions are a liability. They make you weak and vulnerable. And yet, I can’t seem to shake them when it comes to Camila.

There’s something about her, a light that shines through despite the darkness surrounding her. She’s innocent, untouched by the violence and corruption we’re accustomed to. And yet, she’s strong.

I know we’re supposed to be using her, manipulating her for our own gain. But the more time I spend with her, the harder it is to see her as a pawn in our game. I find myself wanting to protect her, to shield her from the ugliness of our world. And I know Elio and Renzo feel the same way, even if they’re too proud to admit it.

We’re playing a dangerous game, the three of us. We’re risking everything, not just our mission but our hearts. And I’m not sure if we’re prepared for the consequences.



Camila is under my skin. An addiction I know I’ll never shake, not even once we’ve got the intel we need.

Unfortunately, Father is getting impatient.

My attempt to find something from her devices came up blank. There’s nothing on there about her family or the cartel.

And Father isn’t the only one getting impatient. Renzo and Dante are itching to have their go with her. Ren even broached the subject of him having a night alone with her, an idea that I can’t get on board with. He’s too brutal and violent. Camila would shatter after a night alone with him.

I’m lounging on the couch, my mind spinning with thoughts of Camila when Ren bursts through the door. He tosses his phone on the coffee table, the screen lit up with a text message.

“Pops wants an update,” Ren says, his voice tight with frustration. “He’s asking about the intel.”

I sit up, my heart sinking. We’ve been so caught up in Camila, in the thrill of the chase, that we’ve let our true purpose slip.

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