Page 36 of Sinister Lies

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Lucia scoots closer, her expression softening. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”

I nod, but the words stick in my throat. How can I admit that I’m drawn to both Elio and Renzo? Or that the thought of being with them both simultaneously sends a thrill through me?

“I’m just tired,” I say again, forcing a yawn for emphasis.

“Fair enough,” Lucia says, snapping her book shut. “Can I ask you something?”

I nod in response. “Of course.”

“Have you heard about this rumor that there’s a secret society being formed?”

My brow furrows. “No, what’s the rumor?”

“Apparently, it’s called the Nexus, and lots of groups of guys are trying to recruit girls to be their slaves to get in.”

“Slaves?” I scoff, wondering what the fuck she’s talking about.

She giggles, her cheeks flushing. “What I’ve heard is a group of guys, whether it’s two, three, or four, are getting girls to agree to be their sex slave. Basically, all of them share her.”

“For real?” I say slowly. “It sounds kind of intense. Being shared by multiple guys like that.”

Lucia shrugs. “I mean, it could be fun. Exciting. A crazy new experience.”

I chew my lip, remembering what Renzo said about sharing me with Elio. Is that what he meant? Are they part of this so-called Nexus?

“Would you do it?” I ask Lucia. “If a group of hot guys asked you to be their slave?” The word feels strange on my tongue.

“Maybe,” Lucia says with a coy smile. “If they were super hot and promised to treat me right, it might be nice to be worshipped and adored by a bunch of studs.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know if I could. It just seems so...extreme.”

“That’s okay. It’s not for everyone,” Lucia says kindly. I’m just more adventurous, I guess, and open to new things.”

“Have you heard any names?” I ask cautiously. “Of guys who are part of this Nexus?”

Lucia taps her chin thoughtfully. “No, not really. There are just rumors that it’s being set up this year, and guys are recruiting the prettiest girls.”

I nod, wondering if Elio and Renzo could be involved. The thought sends a confusing mixture of fear and excitement through me.

“Why? Are you interested?” Lucia asks playfully.

“No, no,” I say quickly. “Just curious about the rumor, that’s all.”

Lucia eyes me knowingly but doesn’t push further. We go back to studying, but my mind continues churning with unanswered questions. What is this Nexus? And are Elio and Renzo involved?

“I think I’m gonna head back to my room and get some rest,” I say.

Lucia looks like she wants to press further, but she nods. “Okay. But if you need to talk, I’m here.”

I gather my things and stand up, giving Lucia a quick hug. “Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

As I walk back to my dorm room, my thoughts swirl with confusion. I know I want Elio to be my first, but Renzo’s words echo in my mind, tempting me with the possibility of something more. Both of them. I know how greedy it is to think that.

I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I’ll be with Elio tomorrow night, and everything will fall into place. It has to.

I hurry down the hallway, my mind still reeling from my conversation with Lucia. I’m so lost in thought that I don’t see the person before me until it’s too late. I collide with a solid chest, stumbling backward.

Strong hands grip my arms, steadying me. “Whoa there. Where’s the fire?”

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