Page 35 of Sinister Lies

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“Might be fun to have Camila be our little slave girl at our beck and call, know what I mean?” Renzo says with a smirk. He waggles his eyebrows suggestively, and I fight the urge to punch him.

Dante, who’s been quiet up until now, finally speaks up. “So you think Camila would be a good option for the three of us?” he asks.

Tyler shrugs. “I’m just saying, if you guys are so hot for her, make her your Nexus slave. Then you can all get a piece of her whenever you want.”

The thought of anyone treating Camila like some sex toy makes me see red. She deserves better than that. Before I can tell Tyler exactly where he can shove his fucked up idea, Finn pipes up.

“Not gonna lie, that’s pretty genius, actually,” he says with a low whistle. “Three of you sharing one smoking hot slave?” He runs a hand through his hair. “We’ve yet to pick ours, but we will soon.” Ty and he exchange a strange look.

I clench my jaw, trying to keep my composure. The suggestion of making Camila a sex slave makes something twist in my gut. But I know Ren is into the idea, and I’m not entirely opposed. So I take a slow, deep breath and remain calm.

“I don’t know about all that, man,” I say, keeping my tone light despite the anger simmering beneath the surface. “We could end up scaring her off entirely.”

Renzo scoffs, clearly not impressed with my response. “Come on, bro. Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about what it’d be like to share her.”

I level my gaze at him. “Of course I have, but she’s not like other girls we’ve been with. I doubt she’d be up for being used by three men.”

“Used?” Renzo laughs. “She’d be begging us for more if she was our little slave. Imagine it - Camila dressed in lacy lingerie, ready to service all three of us whenever we want. Doesn’t that sound fucking amazing?”

I hesitate, picturing it despite myself. I can’t deny the thought is tempting. Having Camila submit to our every desire, her flawless body ours to enjoy... it’s an intoxicating image. But then I remember the shy smile she gave me the other day and the fantasy sours.

“I don’t know,” I say again. “It just doesn’t feel right.”

Renzo rolls his eyes. “Don’t be such a goddamn boy scout. Take what you want from her, bro. Stop overthinking this.”

I stay silent, not trusting myself to respond. The others start debating the merits of making Camila a sex slave, but I tune them out.

Maybe Renzo’s right. Maybe I’m being too soft with her. I know what our assignment is - get close to the Aguilar princess by any means necessary. If that means making her our plaything, is that really so wrong?

I shake my head slightly. No, I can’t think like that. Camila deserves more than to be objectified and used. I need to stay focused on gaining her trust first. Once she’s comfortable with me, we can start pushing her boundaries gradually. Ease her into the depraved fantasies Renzo clearly has.

I may be many things, but I’m not a monster. Camila is innocent, and she needs to be handled gently. I’ll make her mine this weekend on my terms.

Renzo’s reckless lust could ruin everything if I let him have his way. So, for now, I’ll play the gentleman. Camila will be mine soon enough. And once she is, maybe then I’ll share her lush body with Renzo and Dante. If I feel like it.

For now, though, her virginity is mine to take. I won’t let my idiot brother or anyone else scare her away. Camila Aguilar will belong to me.



Sitting cross-legged on Lucia’s bed, my economics textbook in my lap, I haven’t read a word in the last fifteen minutes. My mind keeps drifting to tomorrow night—my date with Elio. A shiver runs down my spine as I imagine his hands on my body, his lips against mine. But then Renzo’s face flashes through my mind, and a wave of guilt washes over me.

“Hey, you okay?” Lucia asks, nudging me with her foot.

I force a smile. “Yeah, just tired.”

Lucia raises an eyebrow. “You sure? You’ve been staring at that same page for a while now.”

I sigh, closing the textbook and setting it aside. “I’m just... nervous about tomorrow night.”

“What’s there to be nervous about? You’re going out with a hot guy who’s clearly into you.”

I pick at a loose thread on the comforter. “I know, but... it’s not just Elio.”

Lucia frowns. “What do you mean?”

I hesitate, unsure how to explain my twisted desire for both Barone brothers. “It’s complicated,” I say finally.

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