Page 29 of Sinister Lies

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“Camila?” Lucia’s voice snaps me back. “You okay? You seem distracted.”

I force a smile, avoiding her gaze. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just tired, I guess.” It’s not exactly a lie. Thoughts of Renzo did keep me up all night.

“Uh oh, late night with Elio?” Maeve teases, wiggling her eyebrows.

I feel my cheeks flush as Emily chimes in. “Oooh, details please! What’s Elio like in bed?”

“Um...” I stall, not sure what to say. They all think I’ve slept with him by now. If I admit the truth that I’m a virgin, they’ll never let me live it down.

“Come on, don’t withhold the details,” Lucia pushes.

I sigh heavily. “We haven’t gone that far yet,” I admit.

All of them look confused.

“Really? How come?” Emily asks.

I take a deep breath, knowing I have to come clean.

“The truth is...” I say quietly, looking down at my hands. “I’m a virgin. Elio knows that, and he’s waiting until I’m ready before we go all the way.”

I peek up hesitantly, bracing myself for their judgmental looks. But to my surprise, they’re all smiling.

“Aww, that’s so sweet!” Lucia gushes. “Elio is such a gentleman.”

Maeve nods in agreement. “Seriously, he’s like a prince charming. You really lucked out finding a guy who respects you like that.”

I feel my cheeks getting warm again, but this time, it’s from a swell of emotion in my chest. I was so worried they would make fun of me for being inexperienced.

“Not many guys have that kind of restraint,” Emily says. “Especially with a girl as beautiful as you.”

Now I’m really blushing. My friends’ words make me feel special but also heighten my guilt about what happened with his brother, Renzo.

I realize I’ve been quiet for too long when Lucia reaches over and squeezes my hand reassuringly. “There’s no rush, Camila. You wait until you’re completely ready.”

I manage a small smile. “Thanks, guys. I’m lucky to have friends like you.” And I really mean it. Knowing they have my back makes my secret feel a little less shameful.

If I avoid Renzo and focus on my deepening relationship with Elio, everything will work out. After all, he’s been nothing but a gentleman. I feel myself relaxing as the conversation moves on to other topics. For the first time today, I can enjoy my friends’ company and laugh along with their stories.

Until Renzo appears by my side and drops down onto the seat next to me. “Hey, bookworm. How are you feeling today?”

I feel my body tense up as Renzo sits beside me, draping his arm casually over the back of my chair. My friends look at each other in confusion, unsure who this handsome stranger is or why he’s acting so familiar to me.

“I’m fine,” I say briskly, avoiding looking at him. His proximity makes my skin prickle with heat, my mind flashing back to how his hands and mouth felt on me last night. I shift in my seat, trying to create some distance between us.

“Have you seen Elio today?” I ask, attempting to change the subject.

Renzo shrugs, leaning back in his chair. “Saw him this morning but not since. I’m sure he’s around here somewhere.” His nonchalant tone makes it clear he couldn’t care less about his brother’s whereabouts.

I nod, poking at the remnants of my salad. An awkward silence descends on the table.

Lucia pipes up then, batting her eyelashes at Renzo. “So who is this?”

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Of course, Lucia would be interested in the dangerous bad boy type.

He offers her his hand. “Renzo.”

She takes it, batting her eyelashes at him. And I don’t understand why I feel jealous. Jealous that she’s interested in the brother of the man I’m dating. Clearly, I need to get my head read. This is not normal.

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