Page 24 of Sinister Lies

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“Come on. We’ll give it a try, and if you hate it, we’ll leave. I promise.”

I lead Camila into the crowded frat house, the pulsing beat of the music vibrating through my body. She stays close to my side, her hand gripping mine tightly as we navigate through the throng of drunk, sweaty college students.

“Camila! Elio!” a familiar voice calls out, and I spot Lucia waving us over, Maeve and Emily by her side.

Camila’s face lights up as she sees her friends, and she tugs me along as she approaches them. I follow willingly, happy to see her in her element.

“Hey, guys!” Camila greets them, pulling each girl into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

“Of course we are,” Emily laughs. “We wouldn’t miss a Theta Kappa Nu party for the world!”

Maeve eyes me appreciatively, a smirk on her lips. “Looking good, Elio. I see you’ve managed to snag the hottest girl on campus.”

I grin, wrapping an arm around Camila’s waist. “What can I say? I’m a lucky guy.”

Camila blushes, leaning into my touch. “Stop it, you two. You’re embarrassing me.”

Lucia rolls her eyes, grabbing Camila’s hand. “Come on, let’s dance! The night is young, and we need to catch up!”

Camila glances at me. “Do you mind if I dance with them for a bit?”

I shake my head, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Not at all. I’ll go grab us some drinks and meet you out there.”

She smiles, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Sounds perfect. Don’t be too long!”

I watch as she disappears into the crowd with her friends, their laughter echoing over the music. I make my way over to the drinks table, grabbing two plastic cups of punch. I take a sip, wincing at the strong taste of alcohol. Someone definitely spiked this shit.

As I turn to head back to Camila, I freeze, my blood running cold. In the middle of the dance floor is Renzo, his body pressed against Camila’s back, his hand resting low on her hip.

Rage boils, and I clench my fists, the plastic cups crumpling under the force. What the fuck does he think he’s doing? I told him to stay away from her.

I stalk over to them, pushing my way through the crowd. When I reach them, I grab Renzo’s shoulder and yank him away from Camila.

“What the hell, Ren?” I snarl, my eyes flashing with anger.

Renzo smirks, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “Relax, brother. We were just dancing.”

I glance at Camila, who looks uncomfortable, her eyes darting between us. “Is that true, Camila? Did he do anything to make you uncomfortable?”

She hesitates, biting her lip. “No, it’s fine. We were just dancing.”

I can tell she’s lying, trying to keep the peace. I can’t attack Ren here, as it’s too risky. He might say something we’ll both regret.

“Fine, now leave me to dance with my date,” I snap.

Renzo smirks and then walks away, not before winking at Camila who blushes fiercely. I hate the way she’s affected by him.

I pull Camila close, my hands gripping her hips possessively. “Did Renzo do anything inappropriate? Tell me the truth.”

She looks up at me, her eyes wide and innocent. “No, Elio, I swear. We were just dancing.”

I search her face for any sign of deception but find none. I sigh, letting the tension drain from my body. “Okay, I don’t like seeing Ren touching you like that.” It’s not entirely true, but Renzo knows her virginity is mine. The truth is that seeing my brother touch her makes me think such dirty thoughts. Camila on her hands and knees with me beneath her and him above her, each taking one of her tight holes.

Fuck. I need to stop thinking like that.

Camila wraps her arms around my neck, pressing her body against mine. “You don’t have to worry about Renzo. I’m here with you.”

I nod, pulling her closer as we sway to the music. The beat pulses through me, the alcohol buzzing in my veins. Camila grinds against me, her ass rubbing deliciously against my hardening cock. I groan, my hands tightening on her hips.

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