Page 23 of Sinister Lies

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I pull out Camila’s chair for her before taking my own seat across from her. The waiter brings us menus, and I order a bottle of red wine, hoping to loosen her up a bit.

“Tell me about your family, Elio,” Camila says, her eyes curious. “I’ve met Renzo, but what about the rest of the Barone family?”

I take a sip of wine, considering my words carefully. “Well, my mother has been absent for most of our lives. She left when Renzo and I were just kids.”

Camila’s eyes soften with sympathy. “I’m so sorry. That must have been really tough.”

I shrug, trying to play it off. “It was a long time ago. We’ve learned to cope.”

“And your father?” she prods.

I let out a humorless chuckle. “Dear old Dad? He’s a lot like yours, from what you’ve told me. Always working, always busy. Renzo and I practically raised ourselves.”

Camila nods, understanding in her eyes. “It’s not easy, is it? Having a father who’s never around?”

“No, it’s not,” I agree, my voice low, “but Renzo and I have each other. He’s my closest family, even if he is a bit unhinged at times.”

Her eyebrows raise. “Unhinged? What do you mean?”

I hesitate, not wanting to scare her but knowing I need to be honest to gain her trust. “Renzo’s always been a bit wild and unpredictable. He has a temper, and sometimes he does things without thinking.”

Camila leans forward, her elbows on the table. “Like what?”

I take a deep breath, knowing I’m treading on dangerous ground. But if I want Camila to trust me, I must be honest.

“Renzo has always had a penchant for violence,” I admit, my voice low. “Ever since we were kids, he’s been quick to anger, lashing out at anyone who crosses him.”

Camila’s eyes widen, a flicker of fear passing through them. “Has he ever hurt anyone?”

I nod, my jaw clenching. “More times than I can count. He doesn’t think before he acts, just lets his rage consume him.”

She leans back in her chair, processing my words. “And you? Are you like that too?”

“No,” I say firmly, holding her gaze. “I’m not like Renzo. I have my own demons, but I know how to control them.”

Camila nods, relief evident on her face. “That’s good to know.”

I reach across the table, taking her hand. “Camila, I want you to know that you can trust me. I would never hurt you.” I don’t know why I tell her that, as if she knew why I was getting close to her, it would hurt her emotionally.

She squeezes my hand. “I know, Elio. I trust you.”

My heart swells at her words, even as guilt gnaws at my insides. If only she knew the ulterior motive behind my actions.

But I push those thoughts aside, focusing on the present moment. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

We finish our dinner, and our conversation flows easily. As we walk back to campus and toward the Theta Kappa Nu frat house, I can’t help but feel a sense of dread settling in my gut.

I’m getting too hooked on this girl. And I know that when the truth comes out, and she learns of my betrayal, it will destroy her.

But I have no choice. Family comes first, always. And if that means breaking Camila’s heart in the process, then so be it.

I just hope that when the dust settles, she can forgive me. Because the thought of losing her, of never seeing her smile again, is more painful than any bullet or blade could ever be.

Camila looks nervous as we approach the frat house, which is blaring with music. “Are you sure you want to go to this party?”

I chuckle. “It’ll be fun. We can dance and drink.” I move my lips to her ear. “And make out.”

She shudders at the suggestion, glancing into my eyes. “Can’t we do that somewhere quieter?”

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