Page 112 of Sinister Lies

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“Thank you,” she whispers. “That was amazing.”

I chuckle, my heart swelling with a strange emotion I can’t quite place. Gently, I withdraw from my girl’s body, already missing the feeling of being inside her.

“It’s not over yet,” I murmur, reaching for another toy. “I have so much more to show you.”

In the afterglow, I hold Camila close, stroking her hair tenderly. No words need be said - our hearts speak for us. Our experiences have bonded us on a profound level. Never before have I met a girl so willing to engage in my twisted games.

“Amore mio,” I breathe into her ear, calling her my love in Italian. My heart and my soul belong to this girl.

Whatever the future brings, I know Camila and I share something rare and beautiful with my brother and Dante. Our lives are forever changed; our destinies are now interwoven by the strength of our love.



8 months later…

Itake a deep breath as we approach my family’s estate in Mexico. Elio squeezes my hand reassuringly, and I glance back at Dante and Renzo in the backseat. They offer encouraging smiles, reminding me we’re in this together.

As we approach the front door, my mom rushes out, her face lighting up when she sees me. “Mija!” she cries, enveloping me in a warm hug. Her eyes land on Elio, and I can see the relief on her face. “Elio, it’s so good to meet you.” She pulls him into an embrace as well.

Dante and Renzo step forward, and I watch nervously as Mom greets them. “And you must be Dante and Renzo. Welcome, welcome!” She ushers us all inside, chattering away about how happy she is to have us here.

My father joins us in the living room, his expression unreadable. It’s strange to think that he’s changed his ways and finally moved back into the family home. Apparently Mom demanding a divorce made him panic, proving he does still lover her despite his terrible treatment of her over the years.

I hold my breath, but to my surprise, he nods at Elio. “Barone,” he says before turning to Dante and Renzo. “And you two must be the brother and capo I’ve heard about.”

Elio steps forward, radiating confidence. “Mr. Aguilar, thank you for having us. I know there’s been history between our families, but I hope we can put that aside and enjoy this visit.”

My father studies him for a moment, then lets out a deep sigh. “Yes, well, the past is the past. Come, let’s have a drink.”

He leads up to the living room and we all settle onto the plush sofas. I feel a sense of relief wash over me. Elio has worked his magic, smoothing over the tensions between our families. I squeeze his hand, mouthing a silent “thank you” to him.

My hand intertwines with Elio’s while we face my father and Mom. The tension in the room is palpable, but Elio’s steady presence beside me provides a comforting anchor.

“So, Elio,” my father begins, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. “How have you and my daughter been getting along?”

“Very well, sir,” Elio replies smoothly. “Camila is a remarkable young woman, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her.”

I glance at Dante and Renzo, sitting silently, their expressions neutral. I pray they won’t reveal the true nature of our relationship.

My mother leans forward, a warm smile on her face. “That’s wonderful to hear. We’re so glad Camila has found someone special.”

“As am I, Mrs. Aguilar,” Elio says, squeezing my hand gently. “Camila means the world to me.”

The door to the living room opens, and my brothers Sergio and Jorge step inside.

“Ah, Sergio, Jorge,” my father interjects. “Come, join us.”

Sergio and Jorge exchange a wary glance before moving to sit in the armchairs across from us. I can feel the tension radiating off them, and I shift uncomfortably.

“So, Elio,” Sergio begins, his gaze piercing. “How serious are you about our sister?” After him learning that they treated me so badly at Crystal Lake, he’s never trusted Elio again.

Elio clears his throat, his confidence unwavering. “Very serious, Sergio. I’ve got the utmost respect for your sister and intend to treat her with the care and devotion she deserves.”

My brothers scrutinize Elio for a long moment, and I hold my breath, hoping they’ll accept his words at face value.

Finally, Jorge nods. “Very well. We’re glad to hear that.”

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