Page 64 of Diamond Dream

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Dmitri’s hold over me loosens a bit. I can’t currently see his expression, but it’s obvious that Nik’s words have made him hesitant. Even now, the bond between the two of them is undeniable. Cruelly disregarding Nik’s pleas isn’t something that comes naturally to Dmitri. More than anything, he wants to trust his pakhan.

In the end, however, Dmitri’s resolve wins. With a final shake of his head, he says, “Sorry, Nik. I’m taking Kat with me. I don’t suppose you’d consider making my life easier and letting us go? I’d rather not have to hurt her in front of you. Or harm you.”

Nik tenses up. For a second, he looks as if he might move towards us. But he hesitates. After taking a deep breath, he stares into Dmitri’s pale blue eyes instead. “Why, Dmitri? Why would you choose this path for yourself? You and I were family. Is it true, then, that blood is thicker than water? I guess I wouldn’t know.”

Against my back, Dmitri’s heart madly races. “No,” he says in a horrified tone. “Nik, how can you even ask me that? My father is nothing to me. Less than nothing. Being related to him is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. He never cared about me or my mother. Not until you did. He tried to turn me against you once he learned of my connection to you. He’s always despised you, Nik. You know that. He tried his damned best to play the part of the proud dad once he found out you and I were close. I wanted nothing to do with him. But then, the bastard learned about her. He took her from me, Nik. I had no choice?—”

“You could’ve come to me, told me everything, and I’d have dealt with him for you—as your pakhan and friend. You should’ve trusted me, Dmitri.”

“I wanted to, Nik—more than anything. But you have to understand… Even at first, I was deeply ashamed of my connection to him. I didn’t want anyone to know that my blood is that bastard’s blood. Least of all, you. You were always so good to me and to my mom. I couldn’t bear the thought of disappointing you. I didn’t want you to think we were on his side and toss us out. And then he took her, and I couldn’t risk telling you everything. I had already jeopardized her life enough.”

With a sigh, Nik says, “I never knew anything?—”

“I know,” Dmitri says. “And I hoped things would stay that way until I figured out how to get rid of my father. But Kat and her friend learned the truth about me, and I understood it was only a matter of time before you did. So I had to act fast. I hope you can someday forgive me.”

“It doesn’t have to be this way, Dmitri. It really doesn’t. Let Kat go and let me help you.”

With a sad laugh, Dmitri shakes his head. “I wish I could. I wish I believed you would actually do that. But I know you too well. You will never let me get away with what I did to Maxim and Kat. And I don’t blame you. But I can’t let you end me before I save her. I’ll try to spare Kat of any pain I can.”

Nik’s eyes flicker to my face before quickly refocusing on Dmitri. Even from where I stand, I can see Dmitri’s ominous statement’s devastating effect on him. “Like you did for Maxim?” Nik’s tone is measured but scathing, nonetheless.

Dmitri shrugs. “I am sorry about Maxim. I really am. For what it’s worth, I made it quick. He didn’t suffer long.”

Nik’s eyes darken, and my heart breaks for him. He never knew that on that single, eventful night, he lost the two people he loved the most in the world…

“What did you do with his body?” Nik asks.

“I had nothing to do with that. The last time I laid eyes on Maxim was when you saw his body on the ground in the museum.”

Nik scoffs. “Right.”

“I mean it, Nik. I have no reason to lie about this. Not anymore.”

After the briefest pause, Nik asks, “How did you do it? Kill Maxim, I mean.”

“The room was dark, and Maxim didn’t hear me come up behind him. I wrapped this around his neck.” Dmitri’s fingers reveal from under the collar of his shirt the gold necklace with the emerald pendant he always wears. “And that was it. I left him where you saw him.”

Nik conceals it well, but I spot the pain in his expression as clear as day. Still smothered by Dmitri’s hand, I cry in silence. For Nik. For me. For Dmitri, too.

“I didn’t want to kill Maxim, you know. I tried to resist my father for as long as I could. But he wouldn’t be moved. He was adamant about Maxim being killed that night. Hell, during the party, he called me and ensured I could hear her cries over the phone… To make sure I’d follow through with his plan.”

The gala’s surveillance feeds. The call we saw Dmitri take…

With horror, I understand I was even more of a pawn in the stronzo’s hands than I had known. Just like Dmitri described, his father had been steadfast and specific about the terms of my assignment. He insisted I had to steal Nik’s diamond on that fateful evening—nothing else would do. All of it is just a piece of this big puzzle…

“All of this because of Erin and Lorenzo?” Nik asks in disbelief.

“That’s some of it, I’m sure, but not the whole picture. My father most definitely resents the humiliation Maxim—and, therefore, you—put him through with the whole mess involving Erin, but I always got the feeling that it was about more than that. He never got over the fact that the Russians and the Irish were running the show, even though he was the big, bad Italian boss. He’d love to have you and McGuire destroy each other. I think he knew there was so much bad blood between you and McGuire that it would be easy to start a war.”

Nik sighs. “He wasn’t wrong about that. But he doesn’t have to win, Dmitri. We can turn it around. We can destroy him together and save your girl. Then we’ll figure out how to clean this mess with the Irish. You and I are family. We’ll work it out. Just let Kat go.”

“I can’t tell you how much I wish I could believe you,” Dmitri says with a sigh. His voice is so sad it almost pains me. Almost. “But the truth is, I just know you too well, Nik. You can’t possibly mean that, not after everything I did. You won’t forget what I did to Maxim and Kat. I’d take a chance on you if it were just about me, but I just can’t bet her life.”

With a resigned, heartfelt sigh, Nik finally allows his glance to drift away from Dmitri. His dark brown eyes meet mine momentarily before he takes full measure of me. As lovingly as a caress, his gaze roams all over me. After a second, it returns to mine, and my breath catches. Something in his eyes makes me want to weep.

“I understand, Dmitri,” Nik says, still looking at me. “Take me instead, then.”


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