Page 44 of Diamond Dream

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Breathlessly, I wait for Nik to continue, wrapping my arms around his waist so he won’t see my hands shaking.

Nik mindlessly caresses my hands before continuing, his voice as emotionless as ever. “I’m sure you can guess what happened next. I volunteered the services of my best man. I sang all of Maxim’s praises to McGuire, raving about how there was no better man for the job. I assured him there was no one I trusted more, and McGuire was more than happy to accept my offer. By then, tales of my takeover of the bratva had spread, and Maxim’s reputation had grown exponentially with them. I was very proud of myself for arranging all that, Kat. I thought nothing could go wrong, and McGuire would soon fall to his knees to thank me. But not long after, I realized my mistake once I learned Maxim was involved with Erin McGuire. Unfortunately for Maxim, it could never be. Not only was the princess of the Irish family completely out of his league, but she had been promised to Lorenzo Salvatore, the heir of the Italian famiglia, since they were kids.”

Upon hearing the familiar last name, I freeze. I never had the pleasure of meeting Lorenzo in person, but his uncle—also known as the stronzo—was, unfortunately, an acquaintance of mine. Immediately, I force my body to relax. I don’t want to alarm Nik and cause him to stop his story. I also can’t afford to have him question my sudden, visceral response to the Italian name.

Thankfully, Nik is too immersed in his memories to notice my reaction. Tensing, he says, “When it came out that Erin was cheating on Lorenzo with Maxim, the engagement was broken. It was a huge scandal. McGuire was furious that his alliance with the Italians would never come to be and that his daughter’s virginity had been taken by someone he saw as unworthy of her. The Italians weren’t thrilled, either. Giuseppe Salvatore, the reigning boss, was livid that his nephew and heir had been publicly humiliated. If I could go back in time, Kat, I would do things differently, but you have to understand—I was new at this job, and I struggled to find a way to protect both Maxim and the bratva. My back was against the wall, so I took the path of least resistance. I couldn’t have possibly withstood a war against both the Italians and the Irish back then, so I did what I could to appease them. I made massive concessions to them, and I exiled Maxim. I sent him back to Siberia, even when he told me how much he cared for Erin.”

I sigh, holding him even tighter. “Oh, Nik. I’m so sorry.”

Nik grasps one of my hands wrapped around his waist, bringing it to his lips. Mindlessly, he brushes a kiss against it before returning it to where it rested against his stomach.

“Eventually, I got to a point where I felt like I didn’t have much to fear from McGuire or Salvatore. That’s when I brought Maxim back home, hoping I could fix things between us. Of course, thanks to McGuire, we’ll never know. Now all I have left of Maxim is the unresolved issues between us, all the things we left unsaid…” Nik’s pained tone and poignant words make my chest ache.

“Oh, Nik, no,” I say, coming around to face him. After wrapping my arms around his neck, I kiss his mouth. “That’s not true. I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing Maxim, but I know that just can’t be true. In everything you do, I see how much he meant to you. Whenever you speak of him, I see the love between the lines. He left you with much more than your regrets and your need to avenge him. The bond you shared and your love for each other will always be with you. No one—not McGuire, Maxim, or even you—can change that.”

Nik groans as his mouth oppressively crushes mine. He grabs the back of my neck with one hand, pulling me into his kiss as his fingers sink into my hair. His other arm tightens around me just below my hips, lifting me. He turns around, setting me down on the edge of his desk before stepping between my legs. I wrap them around his waist, drawing him closer.

Between the feverish, open-mouthed kisses Nik rains on my face, my neck and my shoulders, he says, “I don’t know what the fuck I did to deserve you, Kat, but whatever it was, thank God I did. Thank God.”

With a pained moan, I pull Nik’s face back towards mine. I kiss him long and hard, urging him to realize what I can’t put into words—hoping he’ll understand how much I need him.

Somehow, he does. Somehow, I understand he feels the same.

Soon, my fingers are undoing his zipper as his hand pulls my underwear aside. I wrap my hand around his thick length, and he curses under his breath. His fingers sink into me, and I gasp, biting his shoulder to curb my scream of pleasure.

Impatiently, I draw him closer, guiding him inside me. The now-familiar, focused look on his face tells me he intends to torture me, slowly entering me inch by inch. But I have no intention of cooperating with this ridiculous plan of his.

As I press my ankles against Nik’s superbly formed ass, I slide my hips forward at once, and his cock enters me in one deep plunge.

Our groans echo in synchronized bliss, and I smirk at him, leaning back over his desk.

With a shake of his head, Nik bends over until his mouth touches my neck. He playfully nips at my ear before ruefully whispering, “Bad girl.”

While tracing his way down my neck with languid, wet kisses, Nik reaches the area where my neck meets my shoulder. He takes his time there, lavishly worshiping my skin with his mouth and tongue. Then, without warning, he bites me almost too hard, beginning to move his hips in a punishing rhythm.

“Nik…” I say in a breathless moan.

“You’re mine, Kat,” he groans, his lips trembling against my skin as he brings us closer and closer to the edge. “I can’t lose you. I’ll never, ever let you go, kiska. Never, you hear me?”

I nod, dragging my nails down his back. “Yeah, Nik. Yours. I’m yours, and you’re mine.”

The responding sound that leaves Nik’s throat comes from deep inside his chest, and I feel it to my core. It’s more growl than groan, and I know he’s past the point of no return by the way his hips grind against mine.

Nik bends low to kiss me again while his hand between my legs searches for the spot he knows will make me yield everything to him. I cry out into his mouth when he finds it. His fingers expertly work it until it drives me wild.

“Say it again,” he rasps between thrusts. “I want you to look into my eyes and tell me who you belong to as you come around my dick.”

“Fuck,” I moan, throwing my head back.

His hand reaches my breast, mercilessly pinching my nipple until I cry out in a mix of pain and pleasure.

“Look at me and say it.” He slows down the movements of his hips, tightening his hold on the tip of my breast.

“You,” I say with a gasp, gazing into his crazed eyes. “I belong to you.”

“Good girl,” he groans, resuming his thrusting.

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