Page 40 of Diamond Dream

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With a slight shrug, I meet Nik’s eyes through the mirror. “It’ll do, I suppose,” I say.

My own eyes, however, give away my delight. Nik smiles, pleased with himself. “Am I forgiven, then?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.

“Yes, miliy. But not because of the necklace. It’s beautiful, but don’t think for a second that it’s a get-out-of-jail-free card.”

“Damn it, there goes my plan, I guess. I can’t use diamonds to buy my way into your heart. Noted.”

“Well, I certainly wouldn’t be terribly put off if you tried it anyway.”

Nik laughs. “I’ll keep that in mind. Will you be terribly put off if I kiss you now? I need to know we’re okay, but I don’t want to incur your wrath again. Not if it can be avoided. Although, truthfully, I’m craving you so much right now that I might risk it, anyway.”

“That depends. You don’t happen to have any more diamonds on you, do you?”

A slow smirk curves his lips. “Come here and frisk me. Find out for yourself.”

I tug him closer by his sweater to answer his request with a kiss of my own. Long, languidly delectable moments pass before I pull away from his mouth when a question pops into my head. Nik grunts in protest when I push him away, but I ignore his objections. “I have to ask—do you always keep a few pieces of jewelry at hand just in case some disgruntled woman in your life needs appeasing?”

“For your information, there’s only one disgruntled woman in my life that I’d bother to appease.”

“Meaning there are other disgruntled women in your life that you wouldn’t bother to appease?”

Nik laughs, eyes glowing with amusement, before stealing a quick kiss. “Let’s stay on topic. No, I don’t have jewelry lying around the house, just in case I need it. I’m sorry to disappoint you. But if you were considering going on a little treasure hunt, don’t let my words discourage you. By all means, knock yourself out looking around. It’ll entertain me immensely.”

“Your entertainment is always my main priority,” I say with a smirk. “So, where did my gift come from? Did you run out to get it or something?”

He laughs again. “No. I’m a collector of sorts, I guess. Not necessarily of diamonds, but of anything particularly beautiful. Art, jewels… It doesn’t matter to me what it is. If it catches my eye, then I’ll own it.”

I sigh. “Oh, to be that rich. It must be nice to be able to purchase anything that strikes your fancy on an impulse—money be damned.”

Nik smirks. His finger traces the borders of the choker around my neck. “I’ve had this particular piece for a while. I bought it years ago at an auction in London. I was fascinated by it from the start. It seemed fitting that you should have it.”

“Sweet-talker,” I say against his lips, and he parts them with a sigh. “It sure is a bit funny that you’re gifting me a diamond necklace now when another diamond got us in this situation in the first place.”

“The irony isn’t lost on me,” he says, raising his eyebrows with amusement.

“Well, the first one started us off on the wrong foot, so who knows? Maybe these will mark a change in our course or the beginning of a new era. Maybe it’s a good luck charm.”

Nik’s eyes soften. “The Flame of Mir brought you into my life. That’s as lucky as it gets if you ask me.”

“I’ll remind you of that next time.”

After kissing the top of my head, he asks, “Did you know that the ancient Romans believed that Cupid’s arrow tips were made of diamonds? Do you think that’s why I can’t get you out of my head since that first night?”

Heartily laughing, I say, “Who knows? Perhaps. Or maybe I’m just that good in bed. Or on a desk, I guess, as it was.”

“Oh, you most certainly are, kiska.”

I press a kiss against his chest. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

“I’m glad you think so. Because you’re stuck with me now. As a matter of fact, don’t bother unpacking these shopping bags. I’m having them moved to our bedroom as soon as we’re done here. The rest of your stuff, too, of course.”

He announces his decision with such an aggravatingly imperiously tone that I can’t help teasing him a little. “Our bedroom, is it? Do I get a say in that?”

“Sure. If you don’t like it, I’ll move my things here instead—or wherever you prefer to be. Hell, if you can’t find a single room in this penthouse that you like, we’ll just buy a place that suits you. It doesn’t matter to me one bit, as long as I’m where you’ll spend your nights.”

“Is this your way of asking me to move in with you? Because I believe that ship has sailed a long time ago. Namely, when you had me kidnapped and chained to that bed out there.”

“You have such a flair for the dramatic, Kat. No, this is my way of telling you I don’t want to be apart from you from now on. You’re out of your mind if you think you’ll sleep anywhere but in my bed. Try it, and I’ll actually chain you to my bed. For real this time. Without hesitation.”

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