Page 24 of Diamond Dream

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I expect Nik to shut me down immediately, but he hesitates. After a moment, he sighs. “I have one condition,” he says. “You’ll promise me you won’t step out of the penthouse. You will listen to my men guarding the place.”

I promptly agree, nodding my head. “Okay. I promise.”

“Actually—” Nik says. “I have a better idea. You’ll lock yourself in my bedroom with the gun I gave you. If anyone who isn’t me tries to come through the door, shoot them.”

“No problem,” I say. If he’s going to be somewhat reasonable, then I will, too.

Nik kisses the top of my head. “Good girl. Now get to it.” He playfully slaps my butt. Still teary-eyed, I don’t even protest.

I turn to face Dmitri. “Please be careful,” I say. “And make him be careful, too. Look out for him and yourself.”

Dmitri nods, and I take a deep breath, bracing myself to say goodbye to Nik. But one look at his beautiful face—his warm brown eyes and his glossy dark hair—and I break down. My tears come rushing, and I launch myself into his arms, hugging his neck as hard as I can. Just thinking that I might never get to do it again makes me sob even harder.

Nik hugs me back, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Milaya,” he says with a sigh, chuckling. “I’m flattered, but there’s no need for tears. I’ll be fine. You’re not getting rid of me so easily.”

“I can’t believe you’re laughing,” I say between sobs.

He chuckles again. “I don’t mean to. How about this—why don’t you wait to eat dinner with me again? I’ll bring a pizza home. Or whatever you want.”

I sniff. “Bring yourself home.”

Nik smirks. “I already told you I will. Now, be a good girl and go to my room. I’ll see you soon.”


“I pinky swear.” He laughs, his eyes melting.

With a final kiss on my forehead, Nik untangles my arms from around his neck.

I watch, cold inside, as he and Dmitri leave me. Hopefully, not for good.

I’m not sure how long I stand there, but eventually, my tears dry, and I walk to Nik’s room. On any other day, I’d be excited to snoop around such prime real estate. Right now, I couldn’t care less. I barely even see the room’s furnishings and decorations. I can’t muster any other emotion besides worry and despair as I sit on Nik’s bed.

I sniff again, trying to keep my tears at bay, and I’m assaulted by his familiar scent. It’s a painful reminder of the warmth of his skin against mine, the softness of his hair against my fingertips…

If I never get to feel him again, to taste him…

I close my eyes, searching for a reprieve from this unbearable emotional and sensorial avalanche, but all I see is him—the glimmer in his eyes as we bicker or as I tease him relentlessly.

There’s nowhere to go, nowhere to hide—no way to avoid the reality that I might never be with him again. And I never got to kiss him goodbye…

Before I even understand what I’m doing, I’m on my feet at the bedroom door. In an instant, I’m running towards the elevator.

Some unfamiliar men try to stop me, but I pay them no mind. I lose them with little effort. What they have in size, I make up for in speed.

The elevator ride takes years off my life, but at last, its doors open up, and I’m at the garage.

I locate Nik in a heartbeat. Thank God he hasn’t left yet. His back is turned to me, and he’s talking to someone I don’t recognize.

A couple of his men exchange worried glances when they see me, uncomfortably murmuring between themselves. Their eyes dart towards me, and it’s clear they aren’t sure of what to do.

As I make my way to Nik, his back and shoulders tense up. Slowly, he turns in my direction. When his eyes land on me, his expression belies his complete shock and disbelief. Then, pure, unadulterated fury takes over his handsome face.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he shouts. “I’m pretty sure I told you to stay inside. I thought you promised me you would.”

His rage burns brighter once he spots the guards he left at the penthouse struggling to catch up with me. He narrows his eyes at me with undisguised anger while yelling at me, rambling and ranting.

I don’t hear a word of it, and I don’t pretend to. I don’t even pretend to care. Instead, I run up to him. Then I leap into his arms. Reflexively, he catches me. Before he has a chance to process this recent development, I’m already kissing his mouth—hard.

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