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There was a brief silence, and I could almost hear his mind ticking over. "What’s wrong? Is the ranch okay?"

"It’s more than just the ranch. There’s been an investigation, Dad. The police think there might have been... illegal activities here," I confessed.

"What?!" His shock was obvious, even through the phone. "Dina? Involved in something illegal? That’s impossible, Heather."

"I know, I know. It’s hard to believe," I sighed, leaning against the counter. "I’ve been working with the detective in charge, trying to figure out what’s really been going on. They found some things, Dad... It’s not looking great."

"Jesus, Heather. But you don’t believe it, do you?" His voice was tense, concerned not just for his sister’s memory but for me as well.

"I want to believe she was innocent, Dad. That’s why I’m helping them. I thought you should know, since it’s family. If there’s anything you can tell me about her business that might help…"

There was another pause, longer this time. I could hear him take a deep breath before speaking again. "Your aunt was many things, Heather, stubborn, fierce, but dishonest? Never. If there’s something shady going on, it wasn’t with her knowledge. You do what you need to, honey. Clear her name."

"Thanks, Dad. That means a lot," I said, feeling a mix of relief and added pressure. Knowing he supported me was comforting, but the task ahead felt daunting.

"Keep me updated, sweetheart. And be careful, okay? Don’t get too tangled up in this mess," he added.

"I will. I love you."

"I love you too, Heather. Take care of yourself."

After hanging up, I stood motionless, digesting the conversation. My dad’s faith in Aunt Dina’s innocence strengthened my resolve, but it also made me question my recent closeness with Danny.

Was I too involved? Could I still see the investigation objectively?

Chapter Twenty-Five


The early morning sunlight filtered through the cafe's front windows, casting a warm glow across the room as I ordered my usual coffee. The barista, a young guy with an easy smile, handed me my cup with a casual nod. "Looking cheery this morning, Detective."

I managed a half-smile, my thoughts still tangled in the events of the last night with Heather. "Yeah, something like that," I muttered, taking a sip of the strong, bitter coffee that somehow seemed to taste better today.

The drive to the station was a mix of contemplation and a strange sense of peace. I hadn’t felt this calm in a long time, not since before the divorce had torn through my life like a hurricane, leaving behind a trail of bitterness and regret. Heather had somehow begun to change that, her presence a soothing balm on old wounds.

But the peace shattered the moment I stepped into the station. Kayla, Jake’s fiancée and my fellow detective, caught my eye almost immediately. She motioned for me to follow her to a quiet corner of the bustling office.

"Danny," she started, her voice low, "I’ve got to talk to you about something. It’s sensitive." She glanced around to ensure no one was within earshot.

I leaned against the wall, coffee in hand, my senses sharpening. "What’s going on?"

"It’s about your investigation—into Heather’s ranch," she said, her eyes searching mine. "The chief and the county sheriff... they’ve been noticing how you’ve been handling it. They’re concerned about your methods."

I stiffened, my grip on the coffee cup tightening. "What about my methods?"

Kayla hesitated, choosing her words carefully. "Look, I know you’re invested and maybe too personally involved. They’ve noticed you’ve been pushing boundaries, Danny. Using tactics that aren’t exactly by the book, especially considering your... let's call it 'interest' in a key figure of the investigation."

A knot formed in my stomach. I’d been careful, or so I thought. "They’re talking about Heather," I stated flatly.

"Yes," Kayla nodded, her tone sympathetic yet firm. "They’re not telling you to drop it, but you’ve got to tread carefully. You don’t have solid evidence, and without that, you’re walking a fine line. Any more missteps, and you might end up suspended, or worse."

The warning hit hard. I took a deep breath, trying to contain the frustration bubbling inside me. "Thanks for the heads-up, Kayla. I appreciate it."

She placed a hand on my shoulder. "Just watch your back, okay? And maybe keep a little distance from the... personal elements of this case."

"Understood," I muttered, though the idea of distancing myself from Heather now felt like a physical ache.

As Kayla walked away, I leaned back against the wall, my mind racing. The complexity of the situation was suffocating. My involvement with Heather had started professionally but had become deeply personal, blurring the lines of my usual disciplined approach to cases. The possibility of jeopardizing both the investigation and my career was real and immediate.

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