Page 63 of Unspoken Vendetta

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"Of course, we will, Amelia. Of course."

"Thank you so… "

"But - you have to do something for me in return." His smile darkens and I think to myself. There he is. The Matteo I know. The asshole. The selfish creep.

But if he's willing to get tested and possibly be Elle's donor - I would do anything for that.

"What do you want from me, Matteo?" I run my hands across my face trying to wipe away the tired feeling that seems to be soaked right into my veins.

I am tired to my bones, and I think at this point I need a week's worth of sleep before I can start to feel a little bit normal again. I don't feel like myself at all lately.

"I run a business. A side hustle. And for my business I need hospital supplies; some of them are not that easy to come by. But here we are - where you work - at a hospital. It seems too good an opportunity to not take advantage of."

"You want me to get the supplies you need from the hospital? How am I supposed to do that? I'd have to steal them. It's not like I can apply to purchase them or something?"

"Do you want me to see if I am a possible donor for Elle?"

"I could lose my job, everything, and then how will I take care of her?"

He shrugs, that stupid smirk on his face is pissing me off.

With my tiredness comes short-temperedness towards assholes like him.

"The choice is yours, Amelia. You don't have to do it. But that is my offer. That's what I want in return."

I shake my head.

I hate Stefano, and I hate his brother too.

They might only be half-related, but they are the same.

Selfish fucking assholes.

I feel my insides churning when I speak again. I know it's wrong. I know it's a terrible risk.

"I'll do it - if, and only if you are a match." What am I getting myself into?

"That seems fair. Me or my sister though. Either of us. If one of us is a match you will get me what I want?" He tilts his head from side to side, weighing up my counteroffer. "It's a deal then?"

"It's a deal - I guess." I bite my lower lip.

I should say thanks because he'll get the tests done, but I feel disgusting. I just agreed to steal from the hospital. But if that's what it takes to save Elle's life then that is what I will do.

If he's a match.

I started to wonder just how far I would go to save her. What lines would I cross? What boundaries would I overstep? At this point, I don't think there is anything I wouldn't do for her.

I'm so lost in thought - worry - stress - and questioning my own choices - that I forget Matteo is still in the room and when he stands up and stretches I actually jump frightened.

"I'm going to get out of your hair then." He says. "And I'll be in touch soon, once I've spoken to my sister. You can send me Elle's doctor's details so that I can make an appointment with him."

"I'll send them now." I nod, pulling out my phone. If he's agreed to testing I don't want to delay it. Elle can't wait much longer.

Matteo says goodbye, as though we were long-lost friends, and I feel even weirder about everything.

I didn't ask what business he runs that needs hospital supplies. Certainly, nothing to do with the casino.

What is he doing on the side? I wonder if he's working with Stefano on that business and if Stefano would approve of me stealing from the hospital for it. It seems like such a stupid risk to take.

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