Page 55 of Unspoken Vendetta

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"I'm not your pet Stefano. I'm not a toy for you to push around and play with."

He stands up and slams his fists against the table making me jump in my seat.

My heart is pulsing so hard against my rib cage that I have to press my hand over it to soothe it.

"Amelia don't test me. Because either you are sleeping in my room or you can choose to sleep in the basement, perhaps hanging from one of the meat hooks, with the cold air biting against your naked skin."

My eyes shoot wide open at his threat. I stare into his face and realize he isn't joking. He isn't throwing empty threats around. I bite my lower lip, fighting tears for the hundredth time today.

"What about my job?"

"You can keep working, but just remember that if you try to run I will kill your family. I will kill everyone you love, and I will still hunt you down, find you, and hurt you in ways you don't even know exist. I'll have men watching you at all times, just in case you were considering slipping away."

I nod.

"And Amelia, don't bother asking anyone for help. I control this city. I own everyone in it. No one is going to help you."

After a long quiet moment, he walks around the table and places his hands on my shoulder. It's the first time I notice he is limping. He wasn't limping when he walked away from me at the hospital.

His hands brush over my shoulders and up my neck. I shudder beneath his touch because I hate the way it makes me feel. I hate the memories it brings to my body that make me think of happier times.

"It's time to go to bed. It's been a long day I need to rest."

"You can go ahead," I say hopefully.

"Funny." He laughs, pulling me to my feet.

Reluctantly I stand up and he pushes me ahead of him towards the stairs.

I walk up towards his bedroom. I am exhausted. I am bone tired. My eyes are burning, and my thoughts are scattered and uncontrolled. I need sleep so badly, but I doubt I will get any if I am lying in the same bed as this man who has taken me against my will and threatened everyone I love.

He pushes me into the bedroom and shuts the door behind us. He locks the door and pockets the key. Fuck.

Stefano starts undressing as though it is the most natural thing in the world.

He peels off his clothes and tosses them to the floor.

There is a fresh white bandage around his thigh. Bloodstained brightly on the outer side.

I guess that's why he was limping.

My intrusive thoughts tell me to kick him hard right over the wound. But I know it wouldn't achieve anything other than making him angry which will result in consequences I'd rather not think about.

He walks over to his closet and pulls out a pair of black sweatpants. He pulls them on and climbs into bed, throwing the blankets over himself and resting his head on the pillow.

It's as though I am not even here, even though I am locked in his room with him.

He closes his eyes and falls asleep.

I walk over to the sofa and sit down. I can't bring myself to lay in that bed.

I curl up on my side on the sofa, using my jacket as a pillow. It's cold, but I don't care. I'd rather sleep here, away from him, than in his bed.

I have to be patient.

Eventually, there will be an opportunity or a way to get out of this nightmare. He can't keep me forever. Something will happen and I'll be able to get away safely with Elle.

For now, I will do as he says. I'll bide my time.

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