Page 38 of Unspoken Vendetta

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I press the accelerator to the floor and speed all the way home.

I park the car just outside my front door and climb out, walking towards my home.

Can I even call it a home? Not really. It's just where I sleep. It's a place to eat and rest and regather my thoughts.

I find no warmth here, no comfort.

Not since Amelia left.

I push the door open and step inside.

"You can serve dinner early," I say to the housekeeper when she comes through to check if I need anything.

"Yes, sir. James was here just a moment ago asking when you would be home."

"Where is he now?"

"I'll find him, sir."

"I'm in the living room."

I dump my work bag on the side of the couch and walk straight to the drinks cabinet to pour a whiskey. I down the first one, then pour another. I carry it over to the couch and sit down with a heavy sigh.

James walks in. "Oh good, you're here. I wanted to tell you in person."

"What is it?" I grumble, pressing my fingers against my temple to try and force the lingering headache away.

"We found her."

I sit up bolt straight.

"You've found Amelia?" the shock in my voice is impossible to hide.

"We found her sir. She works at a hospital downtown."

"What does she do there?" I wonder out loud, knowing that she had always wanted to study business law.

"She's an OR nurse. But also, she has a child who is a long-term patient in that same hospital. The kid's name is Elena."

"What's her kid there for?"

"All I know is that she is on the donor list for a new liver."

Instantly every cell in my body tightens and a thick nausea pushes an old memory up. One that I buried so deep and never wanted to think of again, but there it is, swimming at the forefront of my thoughts.

My ex-wife, and our child, are in hospital.

I down the second glass of whiskey, trying to burn the images away.


Ipull the surgical mask off my face as I walk toward the locker rooms. It's been a full week in one day, at least that's what it feels like. I am so tired and relieved that I've finished my last surgery for the day. Now I can grab something to eat and go and sit with Elle, see how she's doing, and spend some quality time with her.

She stays so positive through everything. She still manages to smile even though I know how much she is struggling. It breaks my heart and makes me so proud of her at the same time.

I wish she didn't have to go through any of this. It's not fair. Her little life should be spent playing outside in the sunshine, laughing with friends, not making friends with all the hospital staff because those are the only people she sees all day.

A man brushes past me and almost knocks me off my feet. I know I was lost in thought so I just mumbled a little sorry and tried to keep walking. I should pay more attention to where I'm going.

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