Page 36 of Unspoken Vendetta

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But I've been patient for six years. I can be patient for a little while longer while I have her tracked down. She is stupid if she thinks six years is long enough to be safe from me. It would take a lifetime for me to let go of what she did to me.

That kind of betrayal stays with you, soaked into your bones, drifting in your blood.

But if she really is back now, then I can finally start my revenge. I've had years to plan out exactly what I want to do to her. How I want to destroy her life and cause her the most pain and misery possible. I want her to feel the pain I felt when she walked away without an explanation. Without anything. When she left me for someone else after lying to my face and telling me that she loved me.

I get through the morning, making sure things get done the way they are supposed to. When my assistant comes in to let me know that Matteo is here to see me I have her send him into my office.

He steps in looking grumpy and annoyed.

Matteo leans against the second office chair, his arms folded across the back of it as he slouches, disrespectful and tardy.

"Why did I have to come all the way out here?" He complains. "Wasn't this something we could have discussed over the phone?"

"I need you to keep an eye on all of our casinos, but especially the Amalfi Royale. I have a lot of other things going on right now and I need you to take care of business there."

"What the fuck man? Get someone else to handle the casino -- one of the managers or something. I have much better things to do with my time than that. Do you think I just sit around all day twiddling my thumbs? I'm not your servant. I have a business to attend to. Do it yourself if it's so important."

"Excuse me?" I stand up and walk around to the other side of my desk. Towering over my younger half brother with a menacing stare and a tightly clenched jaw. He pushes the chair away from his body and stands up straight, trying to puff his chest out as he tilts his chin higher to hold his ground against me.

"I'm just saying man, you have other guys."

In the blink of an eye, I have Matteo's collar gripped in my fist and I've lifted him off the ground. He kicks out angrily and I spin around slamming him into the desk. He huffs in pain as all the air is knocked out of his lungs.

"I didn't fucking bring you here to ask you a favor, little brother. The casino is our family business, and you will do your part in it. I am giving you orders. When will you fucking learn to just do as you're told?" My face is inches away from his as I spit the words into his face in anger.

"Get the fuck off me." Matteo pushes me away when I release him. His face is red with anger and embarrassment and his fists are clenched. But he knows better than to fight back. He's never won against me, and he never will. Especially not today when my mood is as dark as the midnight eclipse.

Without another word, Matteo turns towards the door and starts marching out of my office.

"I expect a daily report." I snap before he leaves.

He pauses just inside the doorway but still doesn't say anything. I can see by how tense his shoulders are that the anger is still pulsing through him. I can only imagine the things he wishes he could say to me right now.

But he walks away, and I know he will do as he is told; he'd better if he knows what's good for him.

I pace up and down my office, feeling years of tension threatening to explode through the surface of my skin. I've kept myself in control all this time. I've managed to hold it together and I don't want to lose it now.

I take my anger out on other people, it's the only way I've been able to get through it. I've always been very good at torture - I'm even better now. It's amazing how pain can push you beyond the limits you thought you had.

But now that Amelia is back it is time to focus - not to be distracted by emotions. I can't be letting this news get to me like this. I have to keep my head straight.

The phone on my desk rings loudly, breaking into my thoughts and I pick it up roughly.

"What?" I snap.

"Mr. Amalfi. It's Franky Lennox. We are all outside, in the parking lot, with our daughter. Uh - for our meeting. Is it alright if we come in?"

"Come." I snap and slam the phone down again.

I forgot that was today. I'd better just get this over with even though I am not in the mood for this kind of bullshit right now.

Another marriage proposal. Another family looking to form an alliance with me so that they can coast off the strength of my name. My name. That I worked hard to forge in stone.

People are like rats. Swimming for higher ground. Grabbing at whatever they can to get further in life instead of just working for what they want.

Amelia was supposed to be my wife.

Not some random girl from some random family.

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