Page 29 of Unspoken Vendetta

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I pick it up and anxiety floods through me. What the fuck is going on?

Did she leave it here by mistake? But why in my office? What was she doing in my office? No, this wasn't a mistake.

I pull my phone out of my pocket again and dial her number again. The line seems to be dead; it doesn't even ring. Panic grows. Something must have happened to her. But that doesn't explain why the ring is here in my office.

I can't take this; I have to go and find her right now.

Running downstairs with the engagement ring gripped in my hand I climb into my Mustang. Revving loudly, I pull out with a squeal of tires and the smell of burnt rubber.

I head straight for the deli.

I don't care if I promised not to go inside. Something is going on and there is no fucking way I am going to sit in my car waiting to find out.

I push through the deli doors with a loud thud and stride inside like a tidal wave.

I grab the guy standing near the wall. He's wearing the same apron Lia wears, so I know he works here.

"Where is Amelia?" I demand to know, my fingers twisted around the collar of his shirt.

"I - I - I don't know." He stammers with his eyes so wide they look like they are about to bulge out of his skull.

"Don't fucking lie to me, boy. Tell me where the fuck she is." I am past the point of games and patience. All I have right now is anger.

"She hasn't been at work in a few days already. I swear. I don't know where she is." He squeals.

I push him to the floor and glare at the woman behind the counter.

"Do you know where Amelia is?" I say with my voice low and menacing.

"She quit." The lady says quickly.


"I don't know." She looks terrified, with tears glistening in her wide eyes.

I spin around and head back to my car. I will go straight to her house then. She has to be home if she isn't here. None of this makes sense.

I drive like the devil himself is chasing me and arrive at the door of her father's mansion in an absolute rage. Someone, somehow, is making a fool out of me.

I push the door open, and three security guards run towards me. I tilt my head and draw my gun.

Her father walks into the entrance hall.

"Stefano Amalfi." He says politely, waving his hand towards the security team to tell them to stand down. Good decision because I would have shot every one of them in the head before they could blink.

"I want to see Amelia. Now."

"She isn't here."

"Don't fucking lie to me. Get her down here now."

"I promise you she isn't here." Her father stands his ground.

I glare at him. "Well, then I suggest you start talking and tell me exactly where she is."

Her father takes a nervous breath.

"Amelia wants nothing to do with you anymore, Stefano. She met someone else, and they are in love. She has gone away with him. I don't know where they went. She wanted to keep it a secret."

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